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All they can do is run.

They know that their lives will never be the same and that the grief and loneliness that they'll feel will be worse than death, but in their moments of impending doom or moments where one choice will change everything, they only have a few options.

Fight, hide, or run.

They may have been happy, innocent children one day, but in a second all of that can change. Within minutes, they become warriors. They become independent beings who may or may not have had a choice.

If they wanted to have a normal, unsuspecting life, it's too late. 

These thirteen children have been faced with circumstances that people have nightmares about.  Families dying, homes going down in flames, bodies being mutated into something monstrous.  Some can only imagine what that's like, and these kids have lived it. 

Yet, underneath all that fear and pain, there's a shimmer of light.  Children whose lives were turned upside down are being twisted into something better.  They've decided to move on and make something out of their misfortune. 

They have a mission to complete that is only possible if they band together to make an inseparable team.

Now, running is not an option. 

Together as One: The Story of the TeamsWhere stories live. Discover now