Chapter Five ~ The Sorcerer Pt. 1

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I form a green flame in my hand and throw it at the wall of my bedroom, causing it to shatter into a mass of green sparks.

"Wolfie! Stop ruining the walls!" my foster mother yells from downstairs.

I look at the black mark on the wall and smirk. I love making her angry.

She comes up the stairs and enters my room, a scowl on her face.

"Ty! How did you do that?" She points to the scorch mark and glares daggers at me. I shrug and rest my hands in my lap.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"Do you have flint and steel anywhere?" she demands. I shake my head.


My mom frowns at me. "Whatever you're doing, I need it to stop now, you hear me? I can make your life miserable, boy."

"You already have, but okay," I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" she inquires.

"Nothing, just reciting my school words."

She looks me up and down skeptically before closing the door behind her, muttering something that sounded a lot like "miserable seven year old." Her footsteps thud down the stairs and I lie back on my bed.

She doesn't know I'm a sorcerer. Nobody does.

I look at my small hands and form them into a fist. It lights with a blue magic and I fist bump myself, causing the magic to shoot into the air and pop like fireworks.

"TY!" Mom shrieks, and I hide under my covers. Ever since my sorcerer parents were killed, I've been forced to live with her and my foster dad, who loves me about as he loves kittens.

He hates kittens.

I ignore her yelling and levitate my precious diamond sword towards me. I grab it in my hand and slice through the air.  My brown hair falls in front of my eyes, and I flick it away.  Standing on my bed, I continue fighting.

After five minutes of sparring with air, I fall back onto my bed. I look at my stuffed cow toy and grab it in my hands.

"Mr. Moo, we're going to leave this place. She doesn't understand our power," I whisper. I levitate the cow into the air and make him dance through the air on his own. I laugh and hug him.  "You're my best friend."

"Wolf! It's time for supper!" my dad calls. I sigh and place the cow down on my bed before walking down the stairs to the dining room.  I silently pull the hood of my cloak over my head. The only time I don't wear my hood is in my room.

"Sit," Mom demands. I quickly take my seat and a bowl of mushroom stew is placed in front of me along with a piece of bread.

"Eat," Dad orders.

I pick up my spoon and begin eating. I take a bite of bread and chew it slowly.

"Don't eat so loud!" Mom scolds. I take a deep breath and eat as quietly as possible.

"People in Notch's kingdom can hear you! Will you please be quiet!" Dad snarls angrily.

My faces heats up in rage and I stand up, pushing the table away from me using my powers.

"I'm done with you people! You criticize everything I do!" I yell. Both of them look shocked, and a sudden realization of what I've done dawns on me.

"Oh no..." I mumble, backing away.

"He's a sorcerer..." Dad mumbles, his eyes wide.

He stands and starts walking towards me assertively and I hold him back with a force field.

"I'm not going to let you hurt me," I whisper.

I keep the force field around myself as I run upstairs. I snatch my backpack and put my diamond sword into my sheathe.  Mr. Moo goes into the bag as well as the money I've saved in my piggy bank and a change of clothes.

I take a deep breath and jump out of my second story window, catching myself just before I hit the ground. My feet touch the ground gently and I take off running down the street.

I'm done with them.

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