Chapter 32

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Wolfie's POV

We all stare at the closed door in shocked silence.

"What. The. Hell. Was. That," Julia says slowly.

"I don't know," Khali says. She walks up the stairs and I hear a door open.

"Guys? You might want to see this..." she says.

We all walk upstairs and look into her room. Everything is packed neatly into boxes, and the only things left in the room is her bed, her desk, and her computer. Her computer screen shows her youtube channel, and there's a video that was uploaded one hour ago.

"Click it!" I exclaim.

Ann opens the video and we watch in silence.

"Hey everyone, it's Libby here. I have an announcement to make," Libby begins. She pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing. "I'm... I'm not going to make videos anymore. I don't think it's very important, and I want to do something more with my life. So, I'm leaving. I'm done with Team Canadian, I'm done with Youtube. I'm going and becoming a lawyer in the city where I live. I'm sorry to anyone who's crushed by this, but it has to be done. This is the last video I will ever make, and in exactly one week my youtube channel is going to be deleted. So, this has been Libby, and goodbye forever."

The video ends, and none of us speak. I can't believe this. She didn't tell us!

"Guys, pack your travelling stuff," Ann says finally.

"What, we're going after her? She made it very clear that she was done!" Justina says. Ann grins a bit, but it's a lie.

"No, we aren't going after her. We're going to find Team Crafted."

Team Crafted House
Mitch's POV

"I'm bored," Jerome says for the millionth time since we got home.

"We know, Jerome. What do you want to do?" Adam asks.

Before anyone can talk, Ian walks into the room. He looks like he's been hit by a truck.

"Are you ok?" I ask. Ian shakes his head and walks into the kitchen, grabbing ingredients to make cake.

"Buddy, what's wrong?" Quentin asks.

"It's nothing," Ian whispers.

"It isn't nothing, Ian. What's going on?" Ty asks.

Just then, my phone dings, and so does Jerome's. I check and see that it's a text from Ann.

"Biggums, did you just get a text from Ann too?" I ask. Jerome nods.

I unlock my phone and start texting Ann.

A: Hey.
M: Hey, what's up?
A: How's Ian?
M: Not good... how did you know?
A: Uhh... something happened.
M: What?
A: ... Libby left...
M: What are you talking about?
A: She left Team Canadian. She's gone.
M: Oh my gosh... you're not serious.
A: Could the Team and I come over?
M: Definitely.
A: Thanks. Ttyl Mitch.
M: Bye, and good luck.

I put my phone back into my pocket and look over at Ian. He's still making cakes, and he already has three on the counter.

"What happened?" Jason whispers.

"Libby left Team Canadian," I whisper back, and everyone falls completely silent. "They're coming over as we speak."

The group nods and looks over at Ian.

I hope he'll be alright.

A/N: Hey guys...
I am so sorry.

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