Chapter 34

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Ann's POV

Ian sits on the couch, watching a black screen. His stare is blank, and we all look at each other. He only stopped making cakes recently, and only because supplies ran out and cake filled every spare inch of counter.

"Ian, you're coming with us," Quentin says.

"I don't want to go anywhere, fish," Ian replies.

"I am not a fish," Quentin says. "Just, come with us."

When he doesn't get up, Adam and Ty grab his hands and pull him off the couch.

"Come on, we're going to do something fun," Adam says.

"Fine. Lead the way," Ian says.

We all walk through the door and walk to the nearest hub.

When we arrive, we go to Survival Games and start playing.

"I don't know how this is supposed to help..." Ian mutters.

"Believe me, it does," Justina says.

We spawn into an arena, and get ready. We make up more than half of the tributes, which is probably pretty intimidating.

When the timer hits zero, I sprint towards the middle and snag a stone axe and a golden chestplate. The rest of the Team joins me, and we start demolishing the rest of the tributes.

When all the other players are dead, we start turning on each other.

"Jerome, stop!" I laugh as he chases me around.

"Julia, don't do this! Please, I fan!" Adam shrieks.

I watch Ian, and he's grinning. He chases down Khali and kills her, which causes her to turn into a spectator.

Ian then kills Jason, Quentin, Ty, Wolfie, and Julia. I kill Adam, Jerome kills me, Mitch kills Jerome, Ian kills Mitch. Deathmatch begins, and Justina is quickly demolished.

"I won!" Ian cheers.

We all clap, and he's grinning widely.

"Thanks," he says. "For saving me."

We all grin and have a large group hug. I grin and look at everyone's smiling faces.

"We're here for each other. Always."

Together as One: The Story of the TeamsWhere stories live. Discover now