Chapter 36

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General POV

"We're going to take back Adam's kingdom with him because that's hard to do alone, but I think everyone else can do their jobs alone," Ann says.

"Agreed. I'll be back soon," Justina says.

"Everyone meet back here when you've completed your mission," Jerome says.

"Okay. Everyone come back safely," Khali says.

(There will now be a million POV's sorry about that)
Ann's POV

Justina gives me a teleportation crystal from the End and grins.

"Blow that prison up."

I nod and teleport to the prison. Quentin had given me two stacks of TNT and three flint and steels.

This should be good.

I place the TNT all around the prison before running inside and unlocking all the cells. A bunch of players run out, and I wait until everyone's outside before lighting the TNT.

I run far away and plug my ears. The bombs detonate and the prison is blasted to smithereens. Pieces of stone litter the ground around me, and I grin, teleportation crystal in hand.

My job here is done.

Justina's POV

I teleport to my old school. All of my classmates are in grade 12, which means they're all still at the school.

I walk into the classroom, and my classmates stare at me in horror.

"Who are you?"

I look in the direction of the voice and see the same girl who received Ender scars from me 10 years ago.

I chuckle lightly and pull my hood off.

"So you don't remember me? Maybe a look at your arm will remind you," I reply.

She stares at her arm and looks back at me, wide eyed.

"You can't be... she was taken away when she was seven!"

"I escaped the prison I was sent to, and now I'm here to pay you a visit," I say, grinning mischeviously.

I teleport to the front of the room and pick up a whiteboard marker. I quickly write something and bow before teleporting away.

The students stare at the board, shocked at what they had just witnessed. The writing remains on the board, almost like a scar.

The past comes back to haunt you...

Wolfie's POV

I teleport away from the Team Crafted house to my old foster house. I can see the TV screen lit up from outside, and I grin slightly before walking up to the front door and knocking.

My foster mom opens the door. She's old now, and most of her hair is grey.

"Who are you?" she asks.

"Oh, so you don't remember me, huh?" I say. She shakes her head.

"Should I?"

I form a green flame on my hand and look at her.

"Honey, it's that foster kid! He's back!" she yells. He comes running, and his eyes fill with terror when he sees me.

"Look, all that stuff that happened, we didn't mean any of it!"

I chuckle softly and create a huge flame with both of my hands.


They run into their house and lock the door. I laugh and distinguish the flame.

"We're sorry, please don't hurt us, almighty sorcerer!" my old foster mom says.

"I won't, but let this be a warning. If you ever hurt another child like you hurt me, I will burn your house down," I say.

"We promise," my old foster dad says.

I smile and teleport away.

I think they've learned their lesson.

I'm splitting the POV's up into multiple chapters because I don't want a 20 page chapter. That's absurd.
And I can't remember if I thank you or not, but thank you guys so much for 1.5k reads on this book! That's crazy awesome and I love you all so so much! I couldn't do it without you!

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