Chapter 31

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Justina's POV

I fiddle with my array of weapons, and I can hear Wolfie throwing green fire at the target outside. Ann busily makes food in the kitchen, Khali watches TV in the living room, and Julia sits at the table on her phone.

As we sit around, we see Libby coming down the stairs. I turn and see that she has a bag with her.

"Where are you going?" I ask. Everyone looks up at Libby, and she sighs.

"I can't stay here anymore."

"What are you talking about? We've been living together since we were seven years old," Ann says.

"A lot has changed. I'm not the same kid you saved from the orphanage. I don't want to play video games for a living anymore, I don't want to make youtube videos anymore. I'm going to the city, to live my own life. I'll meet a guy, we'll settle down," she says, poison in her tone.

"You've been making videos for years! You can't just drop everything and leave!" I exclaim, standing.  Wolfie walks in, looking confused.  

"Wait, you're leaving?" he asks.

"Yeah, she is!" I say.  

"What are you going to do to make a living?  To be able to survive?!" Ann asks.  

Libby sighs and rolls her eyes.  

"I've been planning this for a while.  I'm going to school to become a lawyer." 

"What about Youtube?  What about the Hubs?" Julia asks.

"I'm done with that.  Lawyers are way more important than Youtubers," Libby says.  She grips the handle of her bag tightly and turns on her heel, walking towards the door. 

"What about Ian?" Khali asks.  I hadn't noticed that she had walked inside, but there she was, standing beside Wolfie.  

Libby stops and turns around, looking at us.  

"I don't need him."

With that, Libby leaves the house and slams the door behind her. 

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