Chapter 35

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Adam's POV

We get back from the hub, and Ian looks happier than he has since Libby left.

We all collapse in the living room, tired, but happy.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Wolfie asks.

Everyone stays silent, thinking.

My mind wanders back to my kingdom, the one I lost 10 years ago.

"I have an idea, but it's kind of crazy," I say.

"What is it?" Jerome asks.

"I've been thinking a lot about the Budder Kingdom lately. It's been ten years since I was chased out, and I kind of want to reclaim it," I begin. "We all want to avenge someone, or something."

"So what are you suggesting?" Julia asks.

"Why don't we help each other out? Mitch, you said your village was attacked by blazes and wither skeletons," I say. Mitch nods and looks at the diamond sword sitting on his lap.

"Yeah, but I can't get my village back," he says.

"I know, but why don't we go to the Nether and kill their leader?"

Mitch grins, and I turn to Justina.

"You said that your classmates and teacher sent you to a prison because you were a hybrid."

"Yeah," she says.

"Why don't you go back and give them a surprise visit?"

She nods and grins.

"I got my wish," Ann says.

"What was that?" Ty asks.

"For Jerome to be alive."

Jerome grins and they hug.

"What about the prison that we were in?" Justina asks. Ann laughs.

"Blow it up!"

A/N: I know now that this book is going to be pretty long. Hopefully you guys are alright with that!

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