Chapter 39

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Ian's POV

"Aren't you three leaving like the others?" Adam asks. Quentin, Jason, and I all look at each other and shrug.

"There's no need to," I say, stroking Anita's smooth fur.

"This is my home. I don't need to go back to space," Jason says, scratching behind Jeffrey's ears.

"All I need is right here," Quentin says. He's in the swimming pool in the backyard, while Jason and I play with our pets.

"Alright. Are you guys ready to go to the Budder Kingdom as soon as the others get back?" Adam asks.

"Yep!" we all say at the same time. Adam grins and goes back inside.

As I'm feeding Anita some wheat, Adam pokes his head outside.

"Jerome and Ann are back!"

Jason and I leave Anita and Jeffrey to roam around and run inside. Quentin follows close behind.

"Woah," we all mutter when we see Jerome. He's holding a large diamond battle axe, and Ann has her regular axe on her belt.

"Where did you get that?" Quentin asks.

"It's a long story. I tell it to you when everyone is here," Jerome says.

"Wait, let me see this," I say. Jerome hands it to me, and I grin.

"Hold on a moment."

I run to my room and grab six diamonds and three sticks from my supplies chest. I then put them into my crafting table and grin.

It's perfect.

I run back to where the baccas are standing and hand Jerome his battleaxe.

"Why did you-" Jerome begins, but his sentence trails off when I pull the other axe out from behind me.

"For the lady bac," I say, handing it to Ann.

"How did you make this!?" she asks, looking at it with amazement.

"When I wasn't doing archery, I was researching crafting recipes. That's when I was alone," I say.

"This is awesome!" Ann says, testing the weight in her hand.

People start appearing in the room. First, Team Canadian. Then Ty and Mitch. Mitch looks around at everyone before his eyes land on Ann.

"Das hawt," he mumbles. Ann hears and blushes, and Jerome elbows him.

"Alright, everyone is here?" Adam asks.

"Yup!" Justina says.

"Quickly go grab armour and weapons if you need them," Adam says.

Ty and Justina summon obsidian swords and grin at each other. Wolfie summons a flame on his hand, and Quentin grabs his bag of TNT, Flint and Steel, and healing potions.

I put on my diamond armour and grab my diamond sword. When I look around the room, I can't help but grin.

Adam is decked out in full gold armour and has a gold sword, and his amulet shines.  Everyone has diamond armour and diamond weapons, excluding the baccas, who believe armour mats their fur and they thereby refuse to wear it, and Julia, who will get electrocuted if she wears anything metal while fighting with electricity.  

We all grin and use our crystals to teleport to the gates of the Budder Kingdom.  Adam grimaces and grips his sword so tightly that his knuckles turn white. 

"Let's do this."

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