Chapter 30

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3rd Person (This is a first, please be patient with me) :)

Adam tells Julia about his amulet, and more detail about what happened to him 1o years ago. She listens quietly, intrigued by his story.

"Everyone has goals. Mine is to take back my kingdom," Adam says. "What do you want to do?"

She shrugs and looks up at the ceiling.

"I don't know yet."

Justina and Ty walk into the room, out of breath and laughing.

"What happened to you two?" Adam asks.

"We flew to the nearest village and started trolling the villagers," Ty laughs. Justina nods.

"We made the librarian think that he was going crazy."

"Well then," Julia says.

Ann, Mitch, Jerome, and Khali walk in, panting.

"These people are crazy fast," Mitch says, motioning to the two baccas and assassin.

They laugh and sit down on the long couch.

Eventually, everyone enters the house and sits down. They eat and Team Crafted builds a makeshift campground on the floor of the Team Canadian house.

Ty's POV

The next morning, we pack up our backpacks and weapons, as well as getting Anita Pea, Jeffrey, and Adam's horse ready for the trip.

Team Canadian meets us in their living room and we say our goodbyes.

"You guys have to promise to visit us. I've already spent 10 years without you, I don't need 20," Jerome says to Ann. She nods and grins.

"I'll make sure."

"Justina," I say. She turns to me.


"When you come to visit, we can go on another flight."

"Sounds good."

Everyone says goodbye and we leave the house. As we walk through the forest in the direction of home, Ian sighs.

"What is it?" Quentin asks.

"They were awesome. We need to get to know them better," Ian replies.

"Agreed," Adam says.

The continue walking through the forest, and as they go, snow begins to fall lightly to the ground.

A/N: My wattpad is so messed up right now... I'm putting a picture on my instagram so you know what I mean.

Updating is so difficult.

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