Chapter Two ~ The Bacca Girl Pt. 2

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After running on and off for hours, I find somewhere relatively comfortable to sleep. I'm exhausted, scared, and sad.

Are my parents alive? Is Jerome alive?

I lie down on the ground and use my backpack as a pillow. I close my eyes and hold my axe close to me. Tears wet my fur for what feels like the thousandth time today.

"Sleep, precious bacca. The morning will come soon enough," I think.

The sun is just beginning to rise over the massive jungle trees, painting the sky with vibrant oranges and pinks.

"Morning is here, Papa. Where are you?" I whisper before I fall into darkness.

"Search the area!"

My eyes snap open and I look around. Angry men with torches and diamond swords walk through the jungle, hacking at the plants that get in their way. I hide my Betty inside my backpack quickly so nobody will see her.

I look around anxiously and shoulder my bag. Where can I hide?!

"There's one!" shouts a man. I look in the direction of the voice and see a man pointing at me. I shriek and start to climb the nearest tree, but I feel a sharp pain as an arrow stabs my leg, hindering me from climbing. I land on the ground with a thud, snapping the arrow shaft off.

I cry in pain and try to get up, but I can't. The men come over to me, tie me up and attach me to one of their horse's saddles.

I beg and plead, wanting them to release me, but they don't listen. Finally, I stop fighting and walk behind the horses obediently, my face hardening into a scowl.

Time Skip

A large, stone brick building comes into view, and the horse causes me to limp faster towards it. The wound in my leg hurts more than ever.

"Welcome home!" cackles the man on the horse. I'm too tired and hurt to respond.

Betty thuds against my back gently as I walk, making me feel safe. At least I can protect myself.

We reach the doors and I'm led inside to a dark cell with bars making up an entire wall.

"Enjoy your stay, filth," spits a guard. "A doctor will come to fix your leg."

He slams the door, the clanging of metal echoing through the cell.

For the first time in my life, I am completely and utterly alone.

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