Chapter Twelve ~ The Human Pt. 2

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I wake up to the sound of yelling and crashing. I stumble out of bed, attempting to ignore the dizziness, and start bashing on my door with my sword.  The blade falls out of my hand, so I continue with my fists. 

"What's going on?!" I scream, slurring considerably.

Rapid footsteps thunder up the stairs and my door opens.  Surprised, I fall backwards.

"Who are you?" I ask, trying to get up.  I attempt to grab my sword, but fumble with the handle.

"Wolfie, pick her up."

"Why me?" a boy demands. My vision is completely blurry, causing them all to melt together into a multicoloured blob. 

"Ty, you have magic! Pick her up and bring her with us!" exclaims another girl.  "The people down there are crazy!" 

I feel myself being lifted in the air and carried from the house and into the street.  I see black spots as the poison takes its hold again.  Unable to think straight, I let sleep take me.

--Time Skip--

"What is with this girl always sleeping!?" a voice asks.  "Seriously, wake up already!" 

My eyes flutter open, revealing an oak room.  The bed below me is soft and comfortable, which I don't mind.  There's a girl assassin sleeping in the next bed over.

My vision becomes clear and I notice a boy standing in the corner with his arms crossed, watching me. 

"Hello?" I ask, my voice strained.

"Guys, she's awake!" the boy calls. 

A group of girls come in, all watching me in sync. 

"Hey," one of them greets monotonously, flicking her fiery red hair over her shoulder.

"Uh, where am I?" I ask. "And who are you?"

The assassin that was sleeping opens her eyes and looks at me. When she sees me she attempts to sit up, but groans.

"Who's this?" she asks, still wincing. 

"Right, introductions again. I'm Julia," the Pikachu girl says.  "This is Wolfie, Justina, Ann, and Khali."  She motions to each person in turn, and they nod their heads at the sound of their name.

"Um, I'm Libby," I say.  The pain in my head has finally subsided, much to my relief. 

"Now, what did you do?" Ann asks.

"I ate a pufferfish."

"Why?  You realize those things are poisonous," Wolfie inquires. 

"I needed to forget everything. But that doesn't matter. How did you guys find me?" I demand.  It's not often that a group of other kids your age find you and bring you to a strange house. 

"We were walking through the town trying to get food when we heard this group of kids outside laughing about a kid that was locked in her room.  We went to investigate, they said it was none of our business, and we fought them," Julia explains simply.  "That's why you're here.  We saved you." 

"Wait, you did this while I was asleep!?" Khali asks.

"We needed to go on a supply run and you aren't fit to walk yet," Justina replies, looking to the other assassin.

"Anyway, enough of that. Libby, do you want to join Team Canadian?" Ann asks.

I frown. "Team Canadian?"

Wolfie nods.  "That's what we call our group. Do you want to join us?" 

Taking a deep breath, I nod.  "Why not?" 

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