Chapter 28

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A/N: This is going to be a fairly long chapter. You're welcome.
Jerome's POV

"Ann, I want you to meet Team Crafted," I say, gesturing to the group behind me.

"Hi! I want you to meet Team Canadian," Ann replies, motioning to her group.

I grin at the names. Both TC's.

"So, is this your house?" Adam asks, looking at the building behind Team Canadian.

"Yeah. Do you guys have a base?" a Pikachu girl replies.

"We have a base. It's on the coast, quite far from here. We were on a quest when we ran into you," Mitch says.

"Wait, before we start talking about quests and all that great stuff, please explain. Who is everyone in your group, how did you meet, and how are you alive?" Ann asks.

"Can we explain inside? We might be standing for a while out here, and night is falling," Ian says.

Ann leads everyone to the house, and we sit down in the living room. It's spacious, with a lot of windows and comfortable couches.

"So, where should we begin?" I ask.

"Names please," says an assassin with orangish brown hair. "And where you're from."

"Well, I guess I should start," I say. "I'm Jerome. I lived in the same village as Ann. When it was attacked, I ran through the forest, thinking Ann was dead. That's when I ran into Mitch."

"I guess that leads to me. When my village was attacked by blazes and wither skeletons and my family was killed, I started running. I reached a jungle and that's when I ran into Jerome. Together, we ran together until we ran into Adam," Mitch says. He looks over to Adam, who grins.

"I'm Adam. I was living in the Budder Kingdom as the prince when I found out that the man I thought was my father was not, and that he had run my real parents out of the kingdom. He tried to kill me, and so I grabbed my horse and ran away. Mitch and Jerome found me half starved on my horse, and I joined them. After that, we met Ty."

"I was pretty much raised in a prison, becoming an Ender hybrid. I managed to escape when they gave me the ability to teleport, and I just so happened to teleport to them. We explored together, and that's when we met Ian," Ty says, looking over to Ian.

"I was living on my own with my cow. I heard them in the forest, and I joined their team. As we were walking, we ran into a crashed space ship. That's when we met Jason," Ian says, looking over to the space man.

"Well, I was living in space with my parents when the mechanics on our ship messed up. They shoved me into a space shuttle and sent me away with my pig, Jeffery. I saw it burst into flames and explode. Then my shuttle crashed into Earth, and I met these guys. When we kept going, we met Quentin," Jason says. He looks over to the mudkip.

"My parents and sister were captured when I was little, so I lived on my own and taught myself how to be a doctor. Then, a pikachu was tossed into my river. It died because of the water, and I buried it. I saw a fight between a girl pikachu and two trainers. After that happened, I met the rest of the guys. When we went exploring, we met you guys," Quentin says.

One of the girls, who looks like a Lost Pixelmon, stares at Quentin, disbelief in her eyes.

"It can't be possible."

"What?" Quentin asks.

"You saw my mother get killed. You saw me fight the trainers," she says, tears in her eyes.

"That was you?!" Quentin exclaims. The girl nods and smiles.

"Thank you for burying her."

"No problem."

A/N: The Team Canadian explanations are next chapter.
P.S. You're welcome krazyunicorn for updating. :)

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