Chapter Fifteen ~ The Canadian Fighter Pt. 1

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My arrow whistles through the air before impaling itself into the snow topped straw bale.

"I did it!" I cheer, fist pumping the air.

"Good job, Mitch!" my dad congratulates from behind me. He ruffles my chocolate brown hair and loads an arrow into his own bow.

"Dad, when can I go to the hubs?" I ask as he shoots his arrow.

"Three years. You're only ten, and you have to be thirteen to get in," he replies.

"I can't wait that long! I think I'm mature enough now!"

Dad chuckles and lowers his bow.

"But you haven't trained enough. However, I guarantee you that as soon as you turn thirteen, you'll be the best fighter there."

He yanks our arrows out of the straw bales and distributes them evenly. I stuff mine into my quiver and sling it over my back. Together, Dad and I start our hike home.

Snow begins to fall gently, the white flakes dotting my red and black hoodie with specks of moisture. It's nothing abnormal, seeing as I live in the North of Canadian Minecraftia.

Smoke from the chimneys becomes visible as we near our village. People ride horses and walk around as music plays quietly from shops. The wind whistles through the trees and whips snow into my face and hair.

As soon as I see my house, I take off running. I burst through the door with a rush of cold air. "I'm home!"

"Mitch, did you leave your father behind again?" Mom asks, brushing the snow out of my hair.

"He's coming," I reply. "Is the food almost ready?"

"Of course. Since it's cold, I decided that we'll have soup."

I grin widely and hang my bow and quiver on the hooks by the door, right beside my diamond sword.

"Mitch, do you want to go into the forest?" a small voice asks. When I turn, I see my six year old brother, Connor, looking up at me with shimmering brown eyes that look a lot like mine.

"Sure," I reply.

Connor grins and runs to the kitchen, where Mom is stirring the soup on the stove.

"Mitch and I are going into the forest," he whispers, pulling the hem of her shirt.

"Alright, come back in ten minutes," she replies.

"Take your bow, Mitch!" Kayleigh, my older sister, calls from upstairs.

"Got it!"

I snatch my bow and quiver from the wall, then head out with Connor. The snow has started piling up, almost reaching the top of my boots.

Suddenly, something hits the back of my head and cold slush runs down my neck. Shivering, I turn towards Connor, who's giggling.

"Did you just throw a snowball at me?" I ask, slowly bending down and forming a ball.

"Maybe..." he replies.

I whip my snowball at him and nail him in the chest. He squeals and throws another at me, missing me by an inch. We continuously throw snow at each other until we're wet and laughing, completely out of breath.

"Come on, let's get home to eat," I say, motioning for him to follow me. He grins, and the two of us head home.

Mom is just putting the soup on the table when we walk in the door.

"Just in time, boys. The food is ready," she says. "Make sure you brush yourselves off before you come in."

We wipe the snow off of our clothing and I hang my bow and quiver up. We both choose our spots at the table just as Kayleigh comes down the stairs. Mom and Dad join us, ladling soup into our bowls.

Just as we begin eating, a strange noise echoes through the silent world outside.

"What was that?" I ask, lowering my spoon.

"Probably a mob. Not unusual for this time of night," Dad states.

"Dad, I can hear fire. That's not just regular mobs," I protest.

As we all fall silent, a blast rocks our house and knocks me out of my chair. Faintly, I can see wither skeletons and blazes causing chaos outside. I look around for my parents or siblings, but I can't see any of them through the smoke that's rising around me.

Did they flee? Are they okay? my mind demands as I stumble around, trying to find my family.

"Mitch!" someone cries. I look over and see Connor, sitting on the floor beside Dad. My father's face is completely burnt, his blue eyes wide and empty. His chest does not rise or fall.

"Mitch, he's not moving. Mitch," Connor sobs. I crawl over to him, take his hand, and pull him to his feet, all the while refusing to look at Dad's body.

"We need to get out," I choke, trying not to cry.

I stand up and stumble to the door, where I grab my bow, quiver, and sword. I need something to protect myself and Connor.

"Mom?! Kayleigh?!" I yell, trying to find them in the smoke and fire that billows all around me.

Tears form in my eyes, both from fear and the flames around me. I wipe them away, not wanting to show Connor how scared I am.

I see somebody move in the kitchen, sparking some hope in my heart. As I try to run to them, a piece of burning wood falls from the ceiling and almost hits me, stopping my progression.

I try to hack the piece of wood, but the heat is too intense.

"Who's there?" I call. My little brother holds the back of my sweater, fear evident on his face.

"Mitch!" the voice responds weakly.


I hack through the wood and find her leaning on a counter, severe burns lining her face and arms. Kayleigh lies at her feet, lifeless.

Without a word, I take her arm and help both her and Connor outside. Once in the snow, I sit Mom down.

"Stay here. I'm going to attach the carriage to the horse," I order. She nods subtly and I race around back. As soon as the carriage is attached, I ride around the front. "Get in!"

Mom and Connor climb in the back and I whip the reins, sending the horse running.

As soon as we're a good distance away from the village, I let the tears fall.

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