Chapter 27

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Team Canadian Base - 10 Years Later
Ann's POV

I run back from the woods and into the Team Canadian house that we built. I'm 17 now, and so is everyone else.

"I have food!" I call as I walk in.

"That seems to be your priority all the time," Libby says, chuckling.

"Who doesn't have that as their priority?" I ask. I put the food in one of the chests and look around. "Where is everyone?"

"Khali and Justina are sparring on the roof, Wolfie is practicing magic behind the house, and Julia is working on her Pixelmon powers," Libby says.

"Cool. I'm going to climb some trees," I say.

I leave the house and am about to sit down on the treetop when I see seven figures walking a little ways away.

"Who is that?" I mumble to myself.

I quickly jump off the tree and run to the house.

"We have visitors!" I yell.

Everyone gathers at the front of the house, and I point in the direction I saw them.

"That's where they're coming from," I say.

"Let's go meet them before they reach our base," Justina says.

We run to meet them, weapons in hand. We stop when we reach each other, and I almost drop my axe.

"Jerome?" I ask timidly. The other bacca's eyes meet mine, and his eyes widen.


I run up to him and hug him, and he hugs back. Tears start streaming down my face, and his eyes fill with tears as well.

"I thought you were dead. For ten years," I whisper.

"I thought you were dead too. I can't believe it... we're 17 years old. You've grown up so much," Jerome replies.

"You have too."

We look at each other, and Jerome grins.

"Let me introduce you to my friends!"

A/N: They have been reunited!

If any of you are sitting there going, "Wait, what!?" don't worry!

Everything will be explained in the next chapter.

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