Chapter 45: This is the End

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My name is Ann. I'm part of Team Canadian. I was a bacca without a home until I met all the people from the Teams, and was reunited with my best friend.

My name is Justina. I'm part of Team Canadian. I was an Ender Assassin who was captured and thrown in prison. I escaped, and met the people from my team and Team Crafted.

My name is Ty, Aka Wolfie. I'm part of Team Canadian. I was a sorcerer without a family until I ran away and met the people from the Teams.

My name is Khali. I was an assassin without a home or a family, and I was saved after I was shot by a skeleton. That's when I met the people of the Teams.

My name is Julia. I was a pikachu with a dead mother and nowhere to go until I met the people of the Teams.


My name is Jerome. I was a bacca without a home until I met the people from the Teams, and was reunited with my best friend.

My name is Mitch. I was a Canadian PvPer with a dead family and a burned down village until I met the people of the Teams.

My name is Adam. I was a Budder prince with fake parents and a stolen kingdom until I met the people of the Teams. Together, we took back my kingdom.

My name is Ty. I'm an Ender hybrid who got tortured and created into a monster until I escaped. I met the people of the Teams, and my life was changed.

My name is Ian. I was an orphan with a "disability," and I was going crazy from being alone until I met the people of the Teams.

My name is Jason. I was a lost explorer with no spaceship and no family until I met the people of the Teams, and found the stars again.

My name is Quentin. I was a mudkip with a dream of being a doctor, and I was starving and alone until I met the people of the Teams.

We are Team Canadian and Team Crafted. We've lost people along the way, but we've gained friendships as well. We all have our stories and we all have our fights, but no matter what, we are together as one.

Well, we've come to the end of an era.

This book, against all my expectations, became the most popular book I've ever written.

2.08k reads and 150 votes. You guys are AMAZING.

I loved writing this book, and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. I'm actually finishing this book with 15 minutes left until 2015, so it's a pretty perfect time to end it all.

I love you guys so much, and thank you all for the support. I couldn't have done it without you.

So until next time, see you guys later.

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