Chapter 33

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Khali's POV

Together, we ride our horses towards the Team Crafted house. Everyone has been really quiet since Libby left, and I hope that the guys can help.

"There it is," Wolfie says.

I look up and see the large house looming in the distance.

"Hurry, we're so close!" Ann says.

Our horses speed to a sprint, and we reach the house within a matter of minutes.

We knock on the door, and Jason answers it.

"Hey! Uh, just let your horses into the yard with Jeffrey and Anita. Then come inside."

We let the horses explore the yard and walk inside. The guys look relieved, and a cloud of white dust hangs in the air in the kitchen.

"What's going on?" Wolfie mutters, motioning to the kitchen.

"Ian's having a mental breakdown. We're pretty much waiting for a derp attack," Ty says.

"What's that?" Julia asks.

"Um, basically his eyes go all weird and he can't control himself. If he's not in a special room, then he breaks things and has the ability to kill living things," Jerome says.

"Sounds fun..." Justina says.

"Yeah... anyway, let's show them to their rooms, shall we?" Jerome suggests. The rest of Team Crafted nods except for Ian, who continues making cakes.

We walk up the stairs of their huge house to two spare bedrooms, both with three single beds.

"We'll get settled in and come to help with Ian in a couple minutes," Ann says.

"Alright, thanks," Quentin says.

They guys leave, and we're left alone with the two bedrooms.

Ty and Justina share a room, while Ann, Julia, and I share the other.

We put our bags by our beds and walk downstairs, where the Team Crafted guys sit.

"So, what did Libby tell you?" Adam whispers when we arrive next to them.

"She said that Youtube wasn't important anymore, and that she didn't need us," I say quietly.

Quentin's POV

"She seriously said that?" I ask. They nod, pain evident on their faces.

"And when I asked about Ian, she said that she didn't need him," Khali whispers. Her voice is so quiet that we can hardly hear her, but we all heard.

"I can't believe it..." Jason mutters. He looks into the kitchen at Ian and sighs. "He doesn't deserve this."

"Come on, we have to do something. We can't leave him like this!" Julia says. I nod.

"Definitely. Let's think of something!"

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