Chapter Twenty-Two ~ The Archer Pt. 2

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I wake up and yawn.  It's still fairly dark outside, indicating early morning. 

I check for any food and only find a single, measly steak.  I eat it, grab my bow and quiver, and head outside.

Anita Pea moos at me from her small stable, her brown eyes gentle.  I walk over and scratch behind her ears. 

"I'm going out to get some food, okay?"  I smile and refill her food trough with wheat that isn't suitable to make into bread. 

With that, I leave to find any animals or apple-providing trees.  I find a lone chicken that I capture for eggs and a couple pumpkins, but that's all.  I tie the chicken to my arm so I still have complete use of my weapons and start heading home. 

Suddenly, I spot four kids and a horse in golden armour walking through the forest.  Fearing a threat, I hide behind a tree with an arrow in my bow.

They don't see me and keep walking in my direction.  My bow remains poised in their direction in case they try anything.

They reach my tree and I step out of hiding.  They all jump and put their hands in the air. 

"Don't move a muscle," I order.  "I am a very good shot." 

"We will not move a muscle," squeaks the boy holding the horse's reins.  He has a golden amulet around his neck that looks fairly familiar.

"Only speak when I ask you a question. Now, where do you come from?" I demand, not lowering my bow.

"We'll speak if you put the arrow away," says a boy in green and black headphones.  He looks younger than the other two.

I lower the bow and arrow.  "Answer my question."

"I'm Adam, the Prince of the Budder Kingdom," the boy with the amulet says.  Immediately, it explains why that necklace and the armour on the horse look familiar. 

"I'm Mitch," says another.  He has a red and black checkered hoodie on and no jacket, making me wonder how he isn't colder. 

"I'm Jerome." The bacca waves a little. 

"I'm Ty," the youngest greets.

I watch them for a moment before putting my bow on my back.  "I'm Ian.  Why are you guys here?  I haven't seen anyone here in years." 

"We're on a mission.  I need to find my brother, Adam needs to take back his kingdom, and Jerome needs to find his best friend," Mitch explains. 

I purse my lips and look back towards my house.  "Come with me.  Let's talk." 

The five of us step inside my home and find a place to sit.  It's fairly cramped, but I don't mind.  I kind of like having visitors.  Adam's horse waits outside by Anita Pea's stable, as well as my chicken.

"I've been alone since I was five and the food around here has become pretty scarce.  Would you mind if I come along with you?" I ask. 

"Sounds fine," Mitch replies.

"Thanks.  Uh, would it be okay if my cow comes along?  Her name is Anita Pea and she's been my friend for a long time." 

Ty giggles and Jerome nods.  "We don't mind having some more animals."

I take a deep breath.  "There's only one more thing.  I sometimes have these attacks where I totally lose control and go a bit crazy.  I know what to do when it happens, but I just wanted to warn you"

"I'm sure we can handle it," Adam says.

"Well, welcome to Team Crafted!  That's what we call ourselves," Jerome explains. 

I grin and start packing up everything I'll need.

Finally, I have some company. 

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