Chapter 42

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Ann's POV

When I wake up the next morning, my stomach wound is bandaged up, but it still hurts like crazy. Justina and Adam are on either side of me.

"Ann? You awake?"

I look around and see Mitch.

"Yeah," I reply. I attempt to sit up, but I fall back down.

Mitch walks over and takes both of my paws. He helps me stand up, and I stumble a bit. He catches me, and I look up at him (I'm a pretty short bacca).


"No problem."

Mitch helps me walk over to where Jerome and Khali are sleeping. Jerome is sleeping on his back with his arm bent so it's underneath his head, and Khali's head is on his chest.

"I ship it," I whisper, and Mitch tries not to laugh.

"Jerome. Jeeeeerrroooommmeee," Mitch whispers, shaking his shoulder.

"Mmh?" he mumbles.

"Ann is awake."

His eyes open, and he grins when he sees me.


"Hey Jerome," I reply, grinning.

"Khali, Ann is awake," Jerome whispers.

Khali mumbles something and opens her eyes.

"Hey Ann! How ya feeling?" she asks.

"Ok, I guess. I mean, this gash in my stomach doesn't feel to pleasant, but other than that I'm alright," I reply. Khali grins and stands up. Jerome follows, and Khali and Jerome both hug me.

"We're glad you're okay," Jerome says.

We break apart, and I see Justina and Adam both beginning to stir.

"Justina?" I ask, walking over to her.

"Ann?" she mumbles, her eyes opening.

"Yeah. Wanna get up?" I ask. She nods, and I help her stand up.

"Ty refused to go to sleep until I convinced him," someone says. We all turn and see Jason, who's now sitting up instead of sleeping.

Justina blushes and walks over to where Ty and Wolfie are sleeping.

"Ty..." she whispers, shaking both of them.

Both of them open their eyes and grin when they see her.

"You're ok!" Wolfie says, standing up and hugging her.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Justina replies.

Ty walks up beside them, and Justina hugs him.

"Did you get enough sleep?" she asks. He blushes, and she grins.

"Who told you?" he asks.


Ty looks over at Jason and forms a purple Ender flame on his hand. Jason's eyes widen and he flies up to the roof using his jetpack.

"You're gonna get it, Jason!" Ty yells. He takes off after Jason, who shrieks and flies away.

We all stand on the ground and watch them chase each other around in the air.

"How does your arm feel?" Khali asks. Justina shrugs and rolls her shoulder.

"Kind of numb, but at least it's not my fighting arm."

"You're so lucky you aren't right handed, or you would be defenceless right now," Ann says. Justina smirks and unfolds her wings.

"Yeah. Now I'm going flying because I haven't in a while. You guys have fun!"

She takes off into the air, and Mitch puts his arm around me.

"Let's go explore the castle, shall we?"

"Definitely," I reply.

"We're coming with you!" Jerome says, putting his arm around Khali. She blushes profusely, and I grin.

"Let's go!"

A/N: The ships have sailed everyone.

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