Chapter Twenty-Three ~ The Space Boy

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The command panel in front of me beeps and buzzes as I press different buttons.  I pull a lever and a voice comes over the speakers.  

"Auto-pilot has been activated," a robotic woman declares.  

I jump down from my seat and run into the living room.  My mom sits on the couch reading a book, her  blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. 

"The ship is now on auto-pilot," I announce.  I pull off my helmet, causing my curly brown hair to stick up at weird angles.  

Mom looks up from her book and smiles at me.  "Good job!  You're going to do so well with your own ship, Jason."

I grin and sit on the couch, staring at the stars through our industrial glass ceiling.  "Mom, I want to see the stars. All of them."

"Honey, when you have your own ship, you can see the galaxy," she replies.

"They'll be my stars."

Mom ruffles my hair and stands, going to the kitchen to start making food.

"Can you go find your father? I think he's still working outside," she asks as she leaves.

I nod and pull my space helmet back on, making all of my surroundings orange like the glass.  I attach myself to a rope and jump outside, letting the zero gravity atmosphere pick me up. 

I turn on my jetpack and fly around the ship, looking for my dad. I finally find him with a blowtorch, searing some metal together to keep the ship strong and stable.

"Hey Dad!" I call. 

He turns off the torch and waves at me.  "Jason! What's going on, little man?"

"Mom's making dinner. She wanted me to come find you," I reply.

"Alright, I'll come in a second.  Meanwhile, could you feed Jeffrey?" he asks.  I nod and fly to my pig's pen.

"Jeffrey! I have carrots for you!" I sing, pulling some carrots out of a chest. He oinks happily and eats them out of my hand.  "Good boy! Aren't you a good Jeffrey?"

His pen is pretty much a glass space dome, which is where I spend a lot of my time.  I like riding him around with a saddle and a carrot on a stick, imagining that we're exploring space together.  

"We'll find new worlds, Jeffrey. Just you and me," I mumble, patting his pink head.  Jeffrey snorts and munches on another carrot. 

"Jason! Dinner!" Mom calls from the house.

"Coming!" I scratch my pig's ears before flying to the house to eat.

Someday, Jeffrey and I are going to explore the very galaxies that lie outside my door.

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