Chapter 1

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"Did you hear?" Kylie gushed, as she lowered the music in her car.

Kylie was like the gossip monger of Clayton High School. She knew everything that went on in our school. If you wanted to know anything, any juice, she always had some to spill. She was also my best friend. She had been my best friend ever since middle school. I was there for her when everybody teased her braces. And now, we were doing our senior year in high school.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"There's a new cute boy that moved to Clayton." She said with great enthusiasm.

"Get out! When and which house?" My face sold that I was interested, of which she knew that I was not. I didn't care about cute boys, that was her thing. And no, it was not the typical nerd befriends the pretty boy-magnet kind of story.

"That house where Paisley used to live at. Apparently he moved in two days ago and if my sources are right, he is going to attend at Clayton high."

Sources, who told her all these?

"Bare in mind that he is, breath-taking friend." She added.

"Yea, whatever." I turned up the volume again.

"You are such a bubble-burster Elle. You should be excited about this, or at least pretend to be."

"Yaay, can we bake him pie?" I sarcastically exclaimed.

"Why do you always have to be sarcastic?" She asked as she parked her car.

Her parents bought her a car for her sixteenth birthday. Kylie was what we called a "filthy rich bitch." Her father was the vice chancellor of the University of Clayton, and her mother was a fashion designer. She owned some boutique near New Orleans.

We walked into campus and headed to our lockers to get the books we needed. I'd been in the first semester for about three weeks and I'd already had enough of it.

"Chemistry, Life Science, Geography." I mentioned the books that I was packing in my almost empty back pack.

"Chemistry, History then Physics." Kylie said and pouted her glossy lips when she's done. She asked me to accompany her to the girls' room and I did.

She took out a brush to brush her healthy blonde hair that bounced off her shoulders. Her make-up was heavy, making her seem tanner than usual. She was wearing her short denim skirt with a black Nike t-shirt which brought out the green color of her eyes. She then took out her lip gloss and put more on her pink lips, then turned to me.

"Am I okay? Do I look like a Monday or a Friday?" She asked and took in her bottom lip in between her very straight teeth. Thanks to the braces she had in sixth grade.

In simple terms, if you looked like Monday, you looked horrible. We said that because Monday was the worst day of the week. Friday meant you were stunning.

"Duh, Friday." I hyped her. Ironically, it was Monday.

And me? I was wearing a short white, flowery dress. I looked girly for the first time ever.
I had no make-up on, just mascara and my brunette hair was tied into a high pony tail.

"You ready?"

"For school? No dude."

"We have Chemistry now."

"Ugh! Mr Tanicho." We said in unison and rolled our eyes, before laughing.

"Anyway, did we have homework?"

"I don't even care dude. I'll just write the corrections that he will write on the board." I told her and we both giggled. See, not nerdy at all.

We got into the Chemistry class and like I said, I wrote the corrections in my book as if I did the homework. Mr Tanicho always gave us a lot of work, unnecessarily so. He just needed to chill.

During Chemistry, Kylie never sat next to me. She sat next to her boyfriend, Tim. And at that moment, I could hear by her loud giggles that Tim was giving her the time of her life.

"Cargo!" I heard Mr Tanicho call on my best friend.

"Yes sir."

"Get to work." He commanded with his Indian accent.

Just after he said that, he left the class and my typical best friend continued with what she was doing.

That is what happened every Monday; Kylie spent most of her day with Tim because 'she missed him over the weekend.' They took all classes together and luckily for me, I didn't take all classes with Kylie so I did not see them all the time.

The bell rang and I had to head to my next class, Life Sciences. But before I could leave, Kylie and I had to go to the bathroom to have a little chat, piss or just check if we still looked stunning. Or if she looked stunning, to be precise.

"Kylie can we..."
And they were smooching. Being single and having a best friend that had a boyfriend, kind of sucked. I had to deal with such. I really needed to get a boyfriend.

Ugh! I'll just go to class.

Life Science was really not that bad. Mrs Nelson just told us that we had a quiz on Friday and that we should work on studying the first three units of the first topic.

Mrs Nelson was the sweetest teacher ever. Her petite body made it difficult for one to see that she had three sons and two daughters. She also had a very squeaky-like voice. Still a good teacher though and she was the reason I enjoyed Life Science.

Her daughter, Janine was a junior. She was one hell of a nerd, except that she was not socially awkward. She did go partying, she did hook up with boys, so I heard and I did not believe it even one bit and she sometimes bunked classes but her marks were always great. She was so smart and her school work was always done, regardless of all the teenage activities she always indulged herself in, no matter how corrupting they were.

She was Tim's ex girlfriend and for that reason, Kylie did not like her. And because my best friend did not like her, I was also supposed to feel the same way towards her. Best-friend code.

"Okay class, I will see you tomorrow." Mrs Nelson said before she sat down behind her desk.

I immediately rushed out the door because of the sudden urge to pee. My haste walk caused me to bump into a guy I had never seen around campus before and his books immediately made their way to the floor.
I knew I had to help him, but this threatening-to-burst-my-bladder pee wouldn't let me.

"I...look I have to go." I hurried to the bathroom.

I felt bad for not apologizing though. But in my defense, I did not want my bladder to burst.

Anyway, that boy looked very familiar. I just did not get a proper look at him. I was in a hurry and my mind was fuzzy from all the pee wanting to be released, I am guessing. Hopefully I would bump into him again. I really wanted to know where I had seen that face. Also, I wanted to apologize so that he would not see me as a bad person.

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