Chapter 1 - Closet

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Warning: Blood, panic attack, gay thoughts, potential spelling mistakes, abuse and swearing.

Read at your own risk.

Natsuki woke up inside the closet again, oh right...her dad chucked her in there after kicking her a countless amount of times in the stomach last night. Natsuki hates this dark space. It scares her. She doesn't know how long she's been in there, or how long she's going to stay. 'oh god' she thought,
'what if he keeps me in here for days and forgets about me like last time?!' The thought made Natsuki lose next to all oxygen in her lungs, her breathing became as erratic as her heart beat, more panic flowed through her veins then there was blood. For she was scared. Scared and alone in a small, dark, cold and confined space. The more her anxiety grew, the more the room shrank. Walls closing in, making it impossible to breath, making it impossible to bare. She wanted to scream, she wanted to scream so badly and beg for her dad to let her out, but...she knew that if she did then her papa would beat her into a submission of silence, so... She crawled into a ball, her head on her knees as she wrapped them tightly to her chest with her arms and rested her back on the wall, hoping, no PRAYING he would let her out soon, all while crying and whimpering as quietly as possible. She really hated the dark.

But to her shock Natsuki heard a click coming from the the door, it opened slowly, flooding the room with light and fresher air. The horrible smell of alcohol was inescapable in this house, but it didn't change the difference in freshness from the air out there to the air in here. She smiled a small smile of relief to see the door open, but as quickly as it came, it went. For the figure who opened it was her dear old dad. He was, unlike her, a tall man with blood shot eyes from drugs, greasy pink hair, pale skin, bags so big under his eyes you'd think they were bruises and to top it all of clothes that seemed to be the home for over 50 different types of stains. In all honesty, he looked far worse then she did.

Natsuki was pulled from her thoughts when the man, without warning, grabbed a fistful of her hair, draged her out of the closet and threw her to the floor. She kept her head down like a smart person, not wanting to anger him. After slamming the door hard, the man turned to his shaking daughter and said in a melancholy yet angry tone

"Get your ass ready for school, I don't want to deal with any of your stupid ass teachers calling about why your absent. Like they really care where a useless piece of shit like you is anyway." he said with no regret or regard in his voice.

"Y-yes papa."  Said Natsuki in a low voice while slowly turning her head to look over her right shoulder to face him, since he considered it rude to not look at someone when your talking to them. She then slowly got up from the ground, but luckily by then her dad had left to probably get a beer from the kitchen downstairs or something.

Natsuki made her way outside of her dad's room ,where that god for saken closet was, clenching her stomach tightly. When she left the room she found herself in the corridor, opposite Natsuki was the stair case that lead to her demon of a dad, but to her left was a small corridor with only one door at the very end that was the bathroom. To her right was a slightly longer corridor with two doors, one being the guest room which was next to her dad's and the other being her room right at the end of the corridor. Before she headed to the bathroom Natsuki realised she would need a new set of clothes that weren't stained with blood, so she turned around on her heels and walked to her room. To anyone else apart from Natsuki, her room would make anyone cry out tears of pity. Inside the room to the left was a mattress stripped of its bed frame and any blankets, except for a small thin pink blanket that could never keep away the cold. The regular sized mattress was obviously just able to fit into that small room, with it still being a tight squeeze. It also had one single pillow that obviously came from the sofa downstairs. Apart from a small cat shaped rug in the middle of the room, that has her secret compartment hidden underneath, the only other decorative thing was one anime poster hung up loosely on a wall. The only other piece of furniture she had inside that room was a  few crappy wooden drawers holders with a bunch of crappy plastic drawers to store her very few crappy clothes.

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