Aloha & Army after Emperor

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After their lost against Emperor, they weren't in the best mood, mostly Aloha and Army. "You're stupid manual isn't useful!" Aloha and Army had stopped in the lobby and started yelling at one another, Skull and Mask just stood there and watched it happen. "SHUT UP YOU PARTY ANIMAL!" Mask sighs, and Aloha looks even more annoyed then he was before "PARTY ANIMAL?! AT LEAST I KNOW HOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIME! ALL YOU DO IS WORRY ABOUT THAT DUMB FRICKING MANUAL! IT DOESN'T HAVE THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING!" Army takes his N-Zap out, and Aloha takes his Gal out. "ARMY, YOU HAVE A BREAKDOWN IF THAT MANUAL DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING IN IT ABOUT SOMETHING! HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY YOU WERE THE WEAKEST S4 MEMBER?!" Army stares at Aloha, and Aloha stares back, Army then points his N-Zap at Aloha "SHUT UP ALOHA, YOU'RE THE SECOND WEAKEST S4 MEMBER!" He then shoots aloha, he missed due to Aloha's quick dodge, Army ends up hitting Mask instead "really army..."

Aloha laughs "HAHA! YOU MISSED!" Army growls "I SHOULD'VE KNOWN THAT YOU WOULD'VE DODGED IT!" Army then shoots Aloha again and he misses but Army shoots near him which Aloha dodges into "ACK-!" Which causes Aloha to hit the ground, Army growls and puts the N-Zap away before walking away, leaving Aloha laying on the ground, Skull and Mask look at Aloha. "I didn't want to be teammates with any of you in the first place." Mask then walks away, skull stares "..." He then walks away, meaning they just left aloha laying on the ground.

"...stupid manual... Ugh... All this about a manual..." Aloha remains laying on the ground for some time.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now