Army actually might like me Back!

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Once Army got to New Albacore Hotel, Aloha was laying on a beach chair, and he looks at Army and waves "Hey Army! ♪" Army waves back "...Hi Aloha... Anyways Why'd you want me to come to New Albacore?" Aloha sits up and he then pats the spot next to him "Army, can you sit down?" Army stares before nodding and sitting down next to Aloha, "like I said..: Why'd you want me to come here?" Aloha smiles "you know i like you, right? I told you I liked you... right?" Army nods "Yes, Aloha, But i rejected you." Aloha nods before looking away "..yeah i know... I know you rejected me.." Army nods "Yeah. Because i don't like you back-" Aloha then looks at him and places his hands on Army's "...Then why'd you blush when I kissed your forehead..?" Army stares at Aloha, slightly blushing "i didn't, i told you i didn't. You're seeing things..." Aloha stares at Army "Why are you blushing now..?" Army stares and shakes his head "no, I'm not Aloha. Stop saying stuff like that, you really think i like you back in that way?" Aloha just stares into Army's Eyes, and Army seems to just blankly stare at him, but he was sweating a bit, he seemed, Nervous... Aloha keeps staring before continuing to say something, "and you blushed when I flirted with you..." Army stares, still slightly sweating, along with him blushing "...Aloha... You're use to squids and octos blushing when you flirt with them... I've never seen you flirt with any other guy... You always flirt with girls..."

Aloha sighs "Army, it's because most of the guys i flirt with, they don't react, only a few of them do... and you know what Army?" Army stares at Aloha before pulling his hands from Aloha (finally), "..what?" Aloha smiles "you're one of the few guys that actually react the most to it... ♥" Army stares at Aloha "tch... ...i don't react to it... most of my reactions are just cringe reactions.." Aloha Chuckles, "Army, i don't think squids blush when they cringe... heheh~ ♥" Army crosses his arms and he looks away "...Shut up Aloha..." Aloha just smiles, and Army looks at him after a bit, Aloha's smile fades, he then says something "...Army... Are you lying about you not liking me..? That's... the whole reason i wanted to talk to you..." Army stares at Aloha "......" Aloha stares at Army, seeming a bit hopeful that Army would say 'yes'. Army just doesn't reply and he puts his hands into his pockets, after a few seconds, Army quietly replies with a "...maybe..." Aloha then actually smiles "maybe..? so..... there is a chance! ♪" Army crosses his arms "....Possibly... But im NOT saying it's true..."

Aloha's smile widens and he hugs Army "So i really do have a chance with you! ♥" Army starts blushing before shoving Aloha away "....I'm Leaving...." Army then gets up and he then super jumps to the square, Aloha keeps smiling " he really does like me... ♥" Aloha then gets up and heads to his and Snorkel's room in New Albacore Hotel and he flops onto his bed and Snorkel comes into the main room and he stares at Aloha "something happened Aloha? you're smiling a lot more than normal, though you normally smile a lot... but still, What are you so happy about? and Why'd you flop onto your bed?" Aloha looks at Snorkel "oh hey Snork, Remember When i told Army i liked him?" Snorkel nods "yeah, What about it? apart from him rejecting you..."

Aloha then sits up "Well yeah apart from that... i spoke to Army again just a few minutes ago..." Snorkel nods and sits on his bed (which was across from Aloha's bed), "Yeah? What happened when you spoke to him?" Aloha smiles more "He might Actually like me back! ♪" Snorkel smiles "niceeee! you still have a chance!" Aloha Nods, "I'll just need to talk to him a bit more." Snorkel nods "yeah.. hey! i got an idea." Aloha looks at him "Ohh? What is it Snork?" Snorkel smiles then explains it to him, Aloha smiles "great idea Snork..." Snorkel nods.

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