How'd we end up in this mess?

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Army then puts his phone down and he lays back down on his bed, and he stares at the celling, "I wish I didn't fall to sleep at skipper pavilion... The wall and ground there are as hard as rocks..." After a bit, Aloha jumps to army and lands on his head, "Army! ♪" army flinches before grabbing aloha off his head, "oh, hey Aloha." Aloha jumps out of army's hands and he sits on army's bed before turning back to his humanoid form, "you said it's alright if I came to check on you.. right? ♪" army nods, "yeah. Why'd you want to check on me though?" Aloha lays on army's lap, face down, "I wanted to see if you were alright, and everyone else is asleep on my team, and I couldn't sleep.. and well... I just... love you..."

Army slightly smiles, "ah, ok. Guess you can't sleep. Well anyways... when you called me, I was actually trying to go to sleep..." Aloha looks up and stares at army, "oh.. guess I woke you up, huh?" Army nods, "yeah... You did..." Aloha then gets off of Army's legs and sits at the edge of the bed, "..sorry..." Army looks at Aloha, "it's alright aloha." Aloha looks at army before nodding, "okay. Thanks. ♪"

They started talking for sometime, but Army falls to sleep after a bit, and aloha also falls to sleep, next to Army.

Quite a bit later, Army's alarm rings and he yawns before noticing aloha, "...huh...? Wait a second.. ALOHA?!" Aloha groans, "....why are you shouting my name..... It's too early... Let me sleep..." Army stares at him, "let you sleep?! YOU'RE IN MY ROOM!" Aloha doesn't reply and just goes back to sleep. Army stares at him and sighs, "fine. But I'm going to change my clothes..." Aloha nods, "mhm... Okay..." Army sighs, "you should be glad I'm dating you, or else this would be awkward... Or possibly embarrassing..." Aloha slightly wakes up and stares tiredly at army, "...aren't you gay...?" Army was changing but he stops and looks at aloha, "yeah I'm gay, bu- oh, now you wake up?!" Army turns to Aloha, and Aloha just stares at him, "why.. am I in your room?" Army shrugs, "I just asked you, why you were in my room, and also I don't know, you might've fallen too sleep next to me.... ...we both might've fallen too sleep, next to each other... you probably came cover now that I think of it..." Army then finishes buttoning his shirt up, "aloha, can you hand me my tie?" Aloha stares at army, and Army stares back at him, "aloha." Aloha looks at Army, "yeah..?" Army points to the tie on the night stand, "can I have my tie, if you're just going to lay on my bed."

Aloha nods and grabs the tie from the night stand and he holds it out to Army, "here's your tie." Army nods and takes it, "thank you Aloha." Army then puts the tie around his neck and ties it, "so are you just going to lay there?" Aloha yawns and lays back down, "I'm going back to sleep..." Army nods, "alright, I'll wake you up after I finish making breakfast." Aloha nods, "mhm..." Aloha then falls back to sleep, and Army sighs before shaking his head "I'll be coming back in here for my parka and hat, I hope you know that." Aloha nods, "mhm... yeah i know..." Army stares at Aloha for a bit before sighing again, and he then goes outside the room.

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