spending the night at Army's

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The week carried on like normal, and by the time it hit Friday night, Aloha had came over during the day and he stayed at Army's place, and helped him make some food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.. he really was enjoying the time he was spending with Army, they were making dinner by now, "Hey aloha, did you finish the rice- are you daydreaming?" Aloha jumps and he looks at Army, "oh! I got the rice! And.. maybe I am daydreaming.. heheh... ♪" Aloha rubs the back of his neck as he says this, Army stares at Aloha, "well, pay attention. And what are you even thinking about?" Aloha stares at Army for a bit and Army stares back, Army keeps staring before Aloha starts blushing and he keeps rubbing his neck, Army stares, "I'm waiting for my answer." Aloha stares before saying something, "...you.. I was just thinking of how I'm enjoying spending this much time with you.." army stares before smiling slightly, "heh... Well finish the rice... Then you can go back to doing that." Aloha smiles a bit before nodding and he goes back to making the rice, and Army goes back to making the curry.

After a bit, Army finishes the curry and he looks at Aloha, "Now are you done with making the rice?" Aloha nods and picks it up and he holds it out to Army, "yeah! Done!! ♪" Aloha smiles, Army nods and he grabs two plates, and then he puts the rice in the plates and then the curry and he grabs two spoons, and he sits both plates on the table, "go sit down Aloha." Army looks at Aloha, and Aloha nods, "alright! ♪" army smiles, and Aloha takes a seat. Army then leaves the kitchen and Aloha looks out of the kitchen due to him being a bit confused.

Army then comes back after a little bit, without his jacket nor hat on, just his shorts and his t-shirt and he didn't have his face make up on and Aloha stares at Him, and he tilts his head, curiously, "why'd you do that Army?" Army just smiles slightly, "it was a bit hot so... Yeah. You don't have to worry about anything. You already wear short sleeves." Aloha nods, "oh yeah... You're right! ♪" Army nods before he starts eating his curry rice, "oh also, aloha." Aloha was about to start eating before he looks up at Army, "yeah Army?"

Army messes with his food for a bit, "...you want stay in a guest room? Or..?" Aloha stares at Army, "I would like to stay in your- in the guest room.." army stares for a bit, "you can stay in my room with me..." Aloha smiles and nods, "okay. ♪ having company so you don't feel alone is a good idea. ♪" Army  nods, "but you were about to say you wanted to stay in my room..." Aloha stares before he crosses his arms playfully, "no. I wasn't. You're hearing things, Army! ♥" Army just chuckles a bit, "alright.. alright... That's all I had to ask.. let's just eat." Aloha nods before he stops crossing his arms and he then starts eating his curry and rice, and Army nods back before he also starts eating his curry and rice again.

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