Training with Team Orange

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Army headed back to his teammates, and once he there, Forge looks at him, a bit confused "Is that Aloha's hat? why are you wearing that? It makes you look silly." Army shrugs "Aloha wouldn't give me my hat back, but he gave me my manual back, so here's the manual, take the notes about Emperor so we're ready for him if WE ever fight him as a team, and not me on Team S4." Forge nods, then Sailor Blue, Sailor White, and Forge grab their manuals and notes and they write down all the notes Army took, as they did that Army walked too his room and sat down on his bed "...I wonder why he won't give me my hat back, and why we did a trade for our hats...."

After sometime, Sailor Blue comes into Army's room and hands him his manual "here Army, Also we should train a bit more, he seems pretty tough..." Army nods "yeah he is tough, he beat all of us, all 4 of the S4 at the same time...." Sailor Blue gasps "i thought you guys were the strongest squids! You lost to a guy that needs two weapons to win?!" Army nods "yeah guess so... anyways let's head to the lobby to fight a few other teams..." Sailor blue nods "alright! I'll tell Sailor [white] and Forge!" Army nods, and Sailor Blue runs off, to get the rest of the team.

Army then gets up and walks into the main room, and once he got there, the other members of his team all looked at him "well, let's get going Team orange." Everyone nods as Army leaves, They follow him, and they head into a lobby to go against others.
Each time team Orange got into a match, Army would always get a strange look, like they were questioning why he was Wearing Aloha's hat, Though Army doesn't really seem to Care all that much.

After a few matches it was the time Aloha promised to give Army his hat back "i need to go to New Albacore hotel. You guys head back, alright?" Sailor Blue, Sailor White and Forge nod and they leave. Army then heads to New Albacore hotel.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now