Orange vs Pink

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The next day, Snorkel and Aloha had informed Straw and Octoglasses about the plan, they agreed with the plan, "Great idea! But we'll just have to figure out where Team Orange is!" Octoglasses nods, agreeing with Straw "now let's start looking for them." Team Pink nods and they super jump to the square after they got all their pieces of gear on (aka their shoes), once they got to the square, they split up, to look for Team Orange around the square and in different areas so they can go through with the plan Snorkel had.

After a bit of looking, Straw was able to find Forge, a member of team Orange, "Heyy Forgeee!!!" Straw runs over to Forge who had turned around "oh, hey, do you need anything?" Straw nods "Get get Team Orange to meet us in the middle of the square!" Forge nods "alright.. ..wait.. "us"..?" Straw had ran away after Forge said 'alright'.

After a bit, Team pink all end up getting back together in the middle of the square, after Straw sent them all a Group message on squidagram. After a bit of waiting, Team Orange all has came to the Middle, and Octoglasses waves to them "hey!!" Forge stares "we should've known what we were getting ourselves into... You were aware of this, right Sir?" She had looked at Army after saying Sir, Army looks at her "..knowing team pink.... i know what they're about to say..." Aloha smiles "Well Team orange...♪" Army looks at Aloha, and Aloha just smiles and winks "We, team pink.. challenge you to a turf war! ♪"

Army nods "and there it is... and let's go then... Team Pink" Aloha smiles, Snorkel then adds something "winner gets to pick what we do after the turf war." Aloha nods "yup! ♪" Army stares at Aloha "....Fine then..."

>Mode: Turf War >Teams: Orange vs Pink >Stage: Skipper Pavilion

Both teams run off and start turfing, half way through the turf war, squids started watching the battle, and most of the time, due to Aloha being able to quickly dodge attacks, he was able to dodge most of Army's shots "Army, you know that your manual isn't always useful, right? ♪" Army stares at Aloha "...look who's talking..." Army then shoots the way aloha dodged, aloha gets Splatted, "oh, I guess it's SOMETIMES useful. ♪" army smiles "next time, think before you speak Aloha. This manual does have your movements in it too." Aloha just smiles and respawns after a bit and he jumps to straw before he starts shooting Army, the shots kept missing and Aloha then uses Baller, "Let's get this show on the road! ♪" Straw also uses baller, Snorkel uses tenta missiles, and Octoglasses uses ink storm, both Aloha and Straw explode the ballers, which mostly missed, but did hit team Orange with extra ink, tenta missiles also hit team orange with extra ink, ink storm splats them.

They do have the turf war for the whole 3 minutes, and the battle ends with team pink winning. Army sighs "dangit... I thought we were able to defeat Aloha..." Aloha smiles, Army stares at him. Aloha then says something "army, I want you to come over, please? ♪ thats what I want YOU to do, alright? Team pink, feel free to invite team orange to our party later! ♪" team pink nods and smile happily and they each grab one of team Orange's members' hands and they run off. Army looks at Aloha and sighs "fine..." Aloha smiles "ok! You know where my room is, see you there! ♪" aloha jumps away, and Army just watches before turning into a squid and jumping to New Albacore hotel and he goes up to Aloha's room and goes into it.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now