I didn't mean to!

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Being so early in the morning, Army wasn't really all that tired, so he didn't fall too sleep until he got quite bored, after some time he DID fall to sleep, now both Army and Aloha were asleep...

Snorkel comes in after a bit and he stops and stares at Aloha and Army "huh didn't know that either of them were like that..." he just shrugs and continues walking.

After a few hours, Army wakes up and yawns before looking at his phone... ...which was dead... "...i fell to sleep while on my phone... and now it's dead, maybe aloha has a charger around here...." Army starts looking for a charger, he find Aloha's phone instead "huh, guess I'll just use this" he then turns on that phone and looks at it, middle of the day, army then puts the phone down and he pushes aloha "get up, and off of me." Aloha just yawns and he looks over at Army and jumps "oh... Sorry I.. I didn't mean too fall to sleep against you!" Aloha then moves away, and Army gets up "...it's fine.. I guess.. anyways i hope you get better soon, see ya." He grabs his phone and he waves bye to Aloha and he walks away.

Aloha just sits on his bed before yawning and laying down and going back to sleep on the bed. While everyone else goes on with their normal day.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now