Army, I like your hat! ♪

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After a long run, Army managed to get back to New Albacore Hotel, and he goes back to his beach chair to find both the hat and the manual, neither of them were there, he started panicking a bit, as he mostly needed his manual, because it had everything in it, After a bit he notices someone wearing his hat, and he then goes over to them "hey, that hat you got there, it's mine, can i have it back, also have you seen a manual anywhere?" The squid turns around, it was Aloha, "Oh hey Army, Also i like the hat, thanks for leaving it here! ♪" Army stares at Aloha, before putting his hand out "give it back now, Aloha." Aloha stares and he smiles "hehe! ♪" Army stares at Aloha "Are you going to give it back or not, Aloha?" Aloha shakes his head "no, not really, well i have my hat, you can put mine on instead! ♪" Aloha grabs his hat off the ground and he holds it out to Army, Army Stares at it before staring at Aloha again "No Aloha, i want MY hat NOW." Aloha sighs before he puts his hat on Army's head "there you go! ♪ You got a new hat! ♪"

Army places his hand on the golf visor before he grabs it and takes it off and sighs "Really Aloha... Look, you can have my hat on for a bit, but return my hat tomorrow, at this time, alright?" Aloha smiles "thanks Army! ♪ You can wear mine for a day too! ♪" Army nods "fair deal, but i'll look weird... but whatever, but remember RETURN IT TOMORROW."  Aloha nods, smiling still "alrighty, I'll give it back to you tomorrow, just meet me back here, at the hotel, alright? ♪" Army nods "sure, also do you know where my Manual is?" Aloha nods before pointing to under his beach chair "over there Army." Army nods "thank you Aloha."

Army then walks over to the beach chair and he grabs his manual and waves before walking away. Aloha smiles "heheheh! ♪"

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now