so.. snorkel was right...

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Once Aloha had jumped back to new Albacore hotel, he just flopped face down onto his bed, Snorkel walks over "what happened to you Aloha?" Aloha just sighs "..rejected by army.." snorkel stares for a few moments "oh... Sorry that it turned out that way, but you two are way too different, so it really wouldn't have worked out...." Aloha looks at Snorkel "I made an attempt at least.." snorkel nods, "yeah, you did. Nice try." Aloha stares "...I'll just.. have to try again! ♪" snorkel smiles slightly "alright, have fun with that, also don't you have a meeting with the rest of the S4 members?" (He was invited to hang out at the café with the other members of the S4)

Aloha looks at Snorkel for a bit "what do you... OH! Yeah! I do! See you later snorkel!" Aloha then quickly gets up and jumps to the café, once he got to the café, skull and mask were already sitting at a table and Aloha runs over to them "I'm NOT late! ♪" skull and mask look at Aloha, Before Skull nods and gets up before he moves to the other side, with Mask and he sits down next to him, " and army can sit there... It'll probably make you guys get more use to each other... And NOT fight when something goes wrong..." Aloha stares at Skull "...oh... Anyways where IS army?" Skull and Mask shrug "dunno... his even more late then you, aloha.. hyuk.." aloha stares for a bit before sighing "oh." After a bit Army finally comes and he sits down next too Aloha, Aloha looks at him "army.. are you-" army stares at Aloha "...aloha im tired and stop talking to me.." aloha nods "ok.. sorry army."

A waitress comes over, and Aloha stares flirting with her, with Army becoming more, and more annoyed... The waitress actually gives them a discount and then takes their orders and walks away. Aloha smiles, Army looks at Aloha "look aloha I have a headache.. the only reason I'm here is because.. ugh I don't know," he then hits his forehead on the table "AGH!! OWW!!" Aloha looks at Army "army? Are you alright?? Look at me." Army looks up at Aloha, he had ended up with a light bruise on his forehead, "Army! You hit your head so hard you caused yourself to have a bruise..." Army stares awkwardly at Aloha, and Mask and Skull just stare at Him. "Army, come with me. Please." Aloha then turns into a squid and he slips pass Army and goes to the bathroom, Army stares for a bit before getting up and following him to the bathroom, while he was covering the bruise too, and due to him having a headache at the same time, both were pretty annoying pains to deal with, but he still followed Aloha into the bathroom.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now