the next day

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Army had jumped back to his place and he put Aloha on the guest bed and he went to bed himself. It had been a few hours from their training, and Aloha ends up getting a call, which wakes him up and he yawns, and grabs his phone before looking at it, "...mhm...?" He then answers the phone, "..hey.. it's aloha, what's up..? ..oh hey Snorkel what do you need?"

They end up talking for a bit and aloha yawns again and he hangs up and goes back to sleep. Sometime passes and Army wakes up before everyone else, and he starts making breakfast for everyone. After a few moments, team orange had gotten up, and Forge went to talk to Army, "hey sir." Army looks at her, "oh, hello Forge, do you need something?" Forge nods, "yes sir." Army nods, "alright.. what's going on forge?" Forge thinks for a few moments, "maybe you and the rest of the S4 should join salmon run." Army stares at her, "...." Forge stares back at him, "sir?" Army nods, "guess we can, but only Mask knows what to do and how to work in salmon run, have you seen me, I gave a small fry some curry." Forge nods, "I know, you should put some notes in your manual about salmon run too, maybe then it'll be easier for all four of you." Army thinks for a bit, "good idea, actually." Forge nods, "maybe mask wants to do some salmon run." Army shrugs, "maybe.. I mean he does it as a part time job. Oh also, Forge." Forge looks at Army, "yes sir?" Army thinks for a moment, "can you wake Aloha up? He tends to sleep in..." Forge nods, "yes sir." Forge then goes to the guest room to wake aloha up.

Once in the guest room, Forge nudges Aloha, "hey, Aloha, wake up, the captain is making breakfast. Do you want anything in your noodles?" Aloha groans a bit, and he just turns over, and Forge stares at Aloha, before she sighs, "aloha, sir, please, get up." Aloha stays asleep for a bit before yawning and he looks over to Forge, "...oh hey forge.. where am I?" Forge stares at Aloha again, before saying something, "you are in the Captain's guest room." Aloha looks around the room before looking back at forge, "..ah okay..." He then get out of the bed and goes outside of the room, Forge just stares at him, before shrugging and going back out.

Once aloha got into the kitchen, he waves to army, "hey army! ♪" army stops what he was doing and he looks over to Aloha, "oh, good, you're awake. Do you want anything on your noodles?" Aloha stares at Army then the food and then back at him, "oh! Just put some eggs in it!" Army nods, "alright, that's what I normally do anyways.. I was following this ramen noodle recipe anyways. You want any other things in the noodles? I mean the things in the recipe..." Aloha then looks at the recipe book before looking at Army and smiling, "sure!"

Army nods, "alright... Also, you should call Mask and Skull and see if they want to do some salmon run." Aloha nods, "alright! I will! ♪" Aloha then grabs his phone and calls Mask and then Skull, and he talks to them for a bit before asking if they're alright with salmon run, skull was.. mask.. not so much...

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now