After this, we should maybe do some practicing...

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On Army and Aloha's way to the kitchen Aloha looks at Army, "Hey Army, what did you even make for breakfast?" Army keeps walking, "I made waffles because team orange did a vote on it, Sailor Blue asked if I could make waffles and the others agreed that i should make waffles, so i ended up making waffles." Aloha nods, "ah okay, do you have toppings? ♪" Army nods, "yes Aloha... i have toppings. You can put toppings on your waffles if you want to." Aloha nods, "Nice! ♪" Army just nods back, and they then make it to the kitchen, and Aloha walks over to the table and Team Orange looks at him and they wave, "Hello Aloha." Aloha waves back, "hey! ♪" Army then points to the table where team Orange was sitting, "The waffles are on the table," Army then points to the fridge, "and the toppings are in there." Aloha nods, "Alright! Thanks for making breakfast, Army! ♪" Army nods, "You're welcome."

Aloha then grabs an empty plate and he grabs a fork and takes two of the waffles and puts them on the plate before going to the fridge and grabbing a few things, Syrup, some fruit and some whip cream and Army then stares at Aloha, "You're aware of how much sugar that is?" Aloha looks at Army, "Yeah it makes the waffles taste better! ♪ How do you eat your waffles anyways Army?" Army stares at him, and Aloha stares back, "Army?" Army then says something, "Syrup, and butter with some fruit." Aloha stares at Army, "Butter? Just butter?" Army nods, "yeah, i mean it melts-" Aloha cuts him off, "That's a bit boring! ♪ Maybe you should try it with whip cream instead of butter, butter looks better on pancakes. ♪" Army stares at Aloha, "....Do you even eat butter on pancakes..." Aloha shakes his head, "Nope, but I'm assuming it would look better on pancakes! ♪" Army sighs, "Really... You can't really say anything about pancakes or waffles with butter on them because you've never done it.." Aloha stares at Army before nodding, "I know! but here's a trade! You try the waffles with whip Cream and i'll try Waffles with the butter! good idea? ♪" Army stares at Aloha before sighing, "fine." Aloha smiles and nods, "Alright! ♪" Aloha then puts the whip cream on his waffles then the syrup and the fruit, and Army then grabs his food, and he puts the syrup, and the fruit on his waffles.

Aloha and Army then swap plates, and they both grab a fork, and then both of them try the other's food, after they take a bite into the other's food, they look at each other for a few seconds, Aloha then says something, "do you like it?" Army quietly looks down at the plate before taking another bite of the food, Aloha just stares for a bit before smiling, "You're still eating it Army. ♪ that means you like it. ♪ right?" Army goes quiet, before nodding, Aloha smiles, "I'm glad you like it! ♪" Army looks off to the side and doesn't say anything for a bit before he turns back to aloha, "you have to try mine too, the one with butter, I don't think it's that bad..." Aloha stares for a bit, before nodding, "it was a trade, so of course I'll have to try yours! ♪" army nods, "alright."

Aloha then tries some of army's waffles, and he stares for a bit before looking at army and smiling, Army looks at him, "aloha?" Aloha nods, "it's good, just not as sweet as mine, here have yours back, I'll take mine back! ♪" army nods and Aloha just smiles again and then they trade their plates and finish up their breakfast, while eating aloha says something, "you're pretty good at cooking other things, Army, you know that?" Army nods, "I'm aware. I'm glad you like them." Aloha smiles, and then they both finish their food up.

Army then picks up the plates and puts them into his sink after they both finish their food. After Army comes back to the table, Aloha looks at him before saying something, "hey army." Army looks at Aloha, "yes aloha?" Aloha looks at his phone, "...we should do some practicing..." Army stares for a bit, Aloha looks back up and at Army, "with team S4, I mean.. we lost to emperor's team, twice.." army stares before nodding, "maybe we should get some practice in..." Army goes quiet for a bit before realizing who just said they should do some practice, "what? Aloha? You want to practice?" Aloha goes quiet and Army stares at him before he starts smiling, "Haha! You want to practice?! The party animal of the S4! Wants to actually practice!?" Aloha covers his face, while blushing due to embarrassment "S-Shut up Army!" Army keeps laughing and he starts smiling more, "you! Of all squids! Want to actually practice!" Aloha just keeps covering his face, "a-army! Be quiet!!!" Army just keeps smiling but he places his hand under Aloha's chin, Aloha then uncovers his face and Looks at Army, and Army just smiles, "it's a good idea, Aloha, we should do some practicing with the other S4 members."

Aloha stares at Army while blushing still, and he looks off to the side. Army just smiles before he kisses Aloha, and Aloha just keep blushing both due to embarrassment and the kiss and he keeps looking off to the side, Army then stops kissing Aloha, and Aloha just remains quiet. Army then says something, "okay, Aloha, we should call The rest of the S4 to talk to them, and see when it would be a good time to set up the practice..." Aloha nods before picking up his phone and he then opens a Group chat just named 'the S4' and he presses group video call and everyone of the S4's phone ring, army just ignores it as his right next to Aloha, but both Skull and Mask pick up, Skull was fixing his bandana and he looks at his camera after fixing his bandana, Mask also looks at the camera, not wearing his mask, and laying in his bed, "What aloha..." Mask sounded pretty annoyed, "you know how early it is in the morning? I don't even have my gas mask on... Why are you even up so early?!" Aloha stares for a bit, "I'm at Army's house. That's why I'm up so early." Mask and Skull don't say anything and all mask does is rub his eye, and aloha continues, "look I came to his house to check if he was alright after he fell too sleep at my party." Mask and Skull both say 'ah, ok' at the same time, Skull then says something, "...why'd you call us anyways..?" Aloha goes quiet for a bit before saying something, "army wanted to ask you guys a question.." army stares at aloha, "seriously?!" Aloha nods before holding the phone out to Army, but Army just pushes Aloha's hand back and he looks into the camera, Mask looks at them, and Skull sits down while still in the video call, Mask stares at Aloha for a bit, "why are you wearing Army's face makeup?" Aloha stares for a bit, "oh! I forgot I had it on! I'll clean it off, I'll be right back! ♪" Aloha then gets up and out of the frame, to wash the makeup off his face, Mask and Skull then look back over to Army and Army stares for a bit, "When would be a good time for all of us to practice together?"

Mask and Skull stare for a bit, Mask then says something, "I'm available on Friday, midday." Army nods before asking Skull, "what about you?" Skull nods, "...I'm free on Friday..." Army nods, "alright. Me and Aloha should be free in Friday too. So Friday midday it is?" Skull and Mask nod, "yeah." Army nods, "alright. Got it. See you guys later." Mask and Skull nod before they both say bye, and then they just hang up, and Aloha comes back, "when are we planning on getting together to practice?" Army looks at Aloha, "Friday, midday." Aloha nods, "ah alright! I'm free! Oh, can I stay over on Friday night? ♥" Army nods, "yeah, sure." Aloha smiles before kissing Army, "alright! See you later Army! ♪" aloha then waves and leaves Army's house, but before Aloha left, Army gave him his phone back, and Aloha thanked him then left, and Army then carried on with the rest of his day, like he normally would.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now