Snorkel is probably right...

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Aloha sits down at Mahi-Mahi Resort, after he makes it there, all the way from the square, and he sits down, and after a bit he stares into the water "...snorkel is probably right... Army probably doesn't like me back... Me and Army really are... Completely different... His so serious and I'm so carefree... Would.. that even work...?" Aloha then sits back and sighs "I just... Ugh... Why.. did I fall for Army?!" He then places his head in his hands.

Someone noticed Aloha and walked over to him and sits down next to him, and Aloha looks over and jumps and falls into the water before grabbing onto the side of the floaty, and he stares at the Squid "what the heck mask? That's so uncool...!" Mask stares at Aloha before saying something, "hyuk... Hyuk sorry Aloha. Just wondering why you're here, Alone, without your team." Aloha sighs before climbing back onto the floaty, Mask stares at him "well?" Aloha sighs again "just thinking."

Mask stares at Aloha "is it bad I don't believe it?" Aloha stares at Mask before sighing once more, "no, it's not bad..." Mask nods "okay, so what's wrong? Hyuk...?" Aloha stares at Mask before looking back at the water "...I like Army b-" mask starts snickering "you LIKE Army? Really?" Aloha stares at Mask and Mask stops "..wait you really do like him?" Aloha nods, and Mask stares "...Sorry for snickering then..." Aloha sighs and nods "it's alright..."

Mask stares for a bit "You guys are so different from one another... Army's always so serious, and you, Aloha, you're so carefree." Aloha nods "yeah, I know, I already thought that over..." Mask nods "have you tried talking to him, about how you feel?" Aloha nods "yeah, I have.. ...or I've tried too..." Mask tilts his head "tried too?" Aloha looks at him and nods "yeah, I asked him if he liked me any more then a friend." Mask nods "his answer?" Aloha shakes his head "no. It was no, he didn't think of me more then a friend..."

Mask stares "oh, sorry that I can't help you that much, hyuk." Aloha sighs, "do you think telling him that I like him is a good idea, mask?" Mask shrugs "you can try, but it's counting on if you want to get it off your chest or want to keep it to yourself, there is the chance he can say yes." Aloha stares before getting up "yeah I should tell him..! Thanks for the chat Mask! ♪" mask nods "no problem Aloha, hyuk." Mask then gets up and leaves Mahi-Mahi resort.

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