Almost done...

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They mostly finish setting up the decorations, and their teams fully finished setting up the decorations. Aloha looks at Army, and Army stares at the decorations before nodding when he finished setting up the last bit of the decorations, "Army.." Army stops and looks at Aloha, "yeah? what's up Aloha?" Aloha stares for a bit, "why were you so careful with me?" Army stares at Aloha before seeming a bit confused, "heheh... what? careful with you?" Aloha nods, "yeah... you placed me down lightly on the wall and.. you didn't even... do anything with the bruise..." Army stares at Aloha, "oh, that's what you mean? Aloha... I'm careful with you because you're my boyfriend, and I'm more likely to be careful with what i do, you're not, you know that? i was careful with you because i didn't want to hurt you any more then you were already, hitting your head on that rock must've hurt." Aloha stares at Army, "i threw you.. and you didn't throw me... why?" Army laughs a bit, "Aloha.. I don't want you to get hurt. I know how you are, You're carefree, that's why you threw me, i didn't get hurt. I know you care about me, and i don't want you to go thinking I'm getting hurt because of your actions. I'm trying to keep you safe from hurting yourself... like you did with that rock." Aloha stares at Army before hugging him, "I'm sorry for throwing you Army, i'll try to be more careful! ♪" Army smiles and hugs Aloha back, "Aloha.. you don't need to be sorry nor more careful with me, you should be more careful with yourself." Aloha stares at Army, and Army places his hand on Aloha's cheeks, "look, it's alright." Aloha then nods, "ok..." Army smiles "alright. Anyways, Let's head back down to meet up with our teams." Aloha then smiles and nods, "Alright! ♪" Army then moves his hands from Aloha's cheeks and he then climbs down the wall, Aloha follows him. They both then head to the middle area where their teammates were. Aloha waves, "Hey Team Pink and Team Orange! ♪" Team pink all waves and team orange nods and then waves.

Army goes over to his team members, "you guys can go if you want to." they nod, But Sailor W says something, "hey Sir, thank you for asking us to help, we were happy to help." Army nods and smiles, "you're welcome Sailor W." Sailor B and Forge both nod too, "Yeah, thank you Sir." Army smiles and nods, "you guys are welcome." Team Orange then waves and jumps away. Army then looks at Aloha, "Hey Aloha, if you need help cleaning up after the party... us from team Orange we'll be happy to help." Aloha smiles and Nods, "alright, thanks Army for the help! ♪ Also can you make the curry... please?" Army nods, "alright. What about team pink?" Aloha looks at Army then his team then back at army, "they'll cook some food too! So you're not the only one cooking! ♪" army nods "alright aloha. Want to help me? Just Meet me at my place." Aloha smiles and nods "sure, i'll come over to help you! ♪" Army nods once again before he turns into his squid form and super jumps away, Aloha then turns into his squid form and he super jumps to Army.

They both then land outside of Army's house. "Here we are..." Aloha looks around a bit before looking back over to Army, "alright! Let's head on in! ♪" Army nods before he grabs his key out of his pocket and he opens the door and then goes into the house. Aloha hums a bit before following him into the house.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now