the S4....

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They then all leave spawn, but Mask, slightly irritated, just follows them and then they all head to where Emperor's road was at. Emperor smirks, "what are you four doing? Running to us will only get you splatted... Heh.." army looks at emperor, "we're not going for you, Emperor..." Emperor stares, "hm?"

Army and Aloha both shoot Prinz at the same time, Prinz gasps and dodges back but skull then shoots him and mask swings his roller at him, they splat Prinz, Army nods, "alright... Got him. Now go for Squidkid!" The S4 all nod and then go for Squidkid who kept dodging the attacks but got hit by mask, half of team Emperor was down and Emperor growls before he starts shooting army and aloha, aloha dodges and Army dodges too. "Oops. ♪" aloha just smiles, Emperor aims at aloha again and starts shooting him, Skull counters the shots by his own ink shot, Emperor looks over at him, which gave Army, Aloha, and Mask some time to splat N-Pacer, which they do manage to do, now all that was left was Emperor. Emperor notices them all and he dodges back before going into inkjet, Emperor smirks, "you may have Splatted everyone on my team.. but that doesn't mean I won't defeat you myself." Army looks at Emperor, "let's see you try." Emperor then shoots four different shots of ink, Aloha rises his finger into the air, "LET'S GO! ♪ DISCO BALL DANCE! ♪" All of the S4 then dodge each of the shots from inkjet, with disco ball dance (yes they ended up performing a dance move to dodge it).

Emperor seems surprised, "hm? You all used disco ball dance?" Aloha looks up and winks before smiling, "yeah, we all did. It maybe my team's tactic but that doesn't mean we all can't perform! ♪" Skull then looks at Mask, and Mask looks at him, "okay. I guess.. hyuk..." Mask then turns into a squid and goes under skull and then skull super jumps to mask but before he landed where he was Jumping to, Mask quickly turned into his humanoid form and jumps himself to launch skull into the air and skull charges his E-Liter and shoots the inkjet, hit, Skull's territory, it seems, Emperor's inkjet runs out at the same time he got his pack shot and he then lands on the inkjet take off spot, but gets Splatted due to a suction bomb army had left. Emperor growls, "What?! SERIOUSLY! I got splatted by ANOTHER suction bomb?! Bobble hat did that to me too... At this isn't as embarrassing as last time..." He then sighs.

The match then ends and... The S4... Win! By 1.1! Team emperor lost. Aloha smiles, "Yeah! We did it! ♪" army, and skull nod, and Mask nods after a bit. Emperor and his team respawn and Emperor walks over to the S4, they then look at Emperor.

Emperor nods, "seems... You guys did improve. Impressive... From that first battle, to the second battle.. to this final third battle. Guess you guys can work together and those two..." Emperor points to Army and Aloha, "aren't fighting. They were bitter after both times you guys lost." Aloha and Army look at Emperor, Aloha then makes a comment, "we mightve been bitter at one another the first two times, but we're fine now! ♪" Emperor stares at him before nodding, "sure... Okay... Well.. we're going to go.." the S4 nod and team Emperor leaves.

Aloha turns around to the rest of the S4, "I think our victory calls for a.. PARTY! ♪ let's go to Skipper Pavilion! And let's invite our teams!" The rest of the s4 nod and call their teams before they all head to Skipper Pavilion, and after everyone makes it there, the party starts.

While the party was going on, Aloha called the rest of the S4 over and they come over and Aloha holds up his phone to take a selfie with everyone, "everyone! Smile! ♪" both army and Aloha smile, Skull does but of course it's not noticeable and Mask didn't even bother... And Aloha takes the photo of them together and he posts it onto Squidagram and then they all go back to the party.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now