you do like me back!

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Aloha was sitting on his bed playing squid jump on his phone and Army walks over and sits down next to him, "What do you need aloha?" Aloha stops playing the game on his phone and looks at Army, and smiles "you show that you like me back. There's no hiding it is there, Army? You keep trying too, but it doesn't work. Ive called you out for it multiple times, I thought at first you might like me... But you actually do like me, you don't think you show it, but you do..! ♥"

Army stares at Aloha and Crosses his arms "..No I don't..." Aloha giggles a bit "heh... Let's see Army!~♥" aloha puts his hands on Army's cheeks and turns him to face him, Army stares at aloha "what are you-" aloha ends up kissing Army, Army stares "?!" He then starts blushing and he ends up seeming like his enjoying it, Aloha then stops kissing him and he stares at Army before snickering a bit "army~♥ you're blushing and you seem like you enjoyed it~♥" army looks at Aloha "...f-fine... I did e-enjoy it..."  Aloha smiles "I knew you liked me back Army..! I just wasn't sure..!" Army stays quiet.

Aloha then smiles a bit "now.. my question... Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Army stays quiet, before slowly nodding, Aloha grins and he hugs Army "thank you!" army nods "...y-you're welcome... I-i guess..." Aloha then takes out his phone and holds it up, and he then smiles "Hey Army! Smile! ♪" Army looks at the phone "WAIT WHAT?!" Aloha then takes the photo, and he smiles "Thanks Army! ♪" Army stares at Aloha "...Aloha.. i wasn't ready..." Aloha laughs a bit "yeah! I know! But it was still a good photo!!" Army smiles slightly and rolls his eyes "no it wasn't." Aloha just smiles "yes it was! ♪" army shakes his head before smiling and laughing a bit "yeah... Yeah... anyways, see you later Aloha." he smiles and waves again before getting up "You should have my number and my squidagram already..." Aloha smiles and nods "Yeah! ♪ I have both!" Army nods and smiles again before leaving New Albacore Hotel. Aloha then looks at the photo before laughing a bit "hehe... ♪" Aloha then posts the photo, and he tags Army in the photo too.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now