the final rematch, vs Team Emperor

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After a bit, the S4 and Team Emperor all go to the lobby and the turf war starts, Army looks at The rest of the S4, "once they start Emperor's road, we break it..." The S4 all nod, "of course... Hyuk... They've defeated us for the last time..." The S4 keeps turfing and Skull jumps down and aims at Squidkid and shoots, of course he dodges, and looks over his shoulder, "nice try. But you missed." Mask jumps down and swings his carbon roller, Squidkid dodges, "woah. Fast but not fast enough." Army then tosses a suction bomb under Squidkid, and he looks down, "a suction bomb?" Squidkid dodges back and Aloha jumps down and Splats him, "got you! ♪" Squidkid seems shocked, "huh. Four on one attack."

Army nods, "good job, aloha." Aloha smiles and looks over to Army, "thanks! ♪" emperor jumps down and points his dualies at Aloha, "not so fast, Party Animal." Aloha looks at Emperor before being shot and Splatted, "ACK!" Skull aims and shoots Emperor, and Emperor dodges and mask jumps down, "I'M STILL HERE TOO!" Emperor looks at Mask and dodges too which causes mask to hit skull and skull to hit mask, Emperor smirks, "still trying that?" Army throws a suction bomb under Emperor and Emperor looks down at it, "a suction bomb? Heh is that all you got?" Army runs from behind and shoots Emperor, "that's not all I got." Emperor looks over his shoulder before dodge rolling to the side and Splatting army, and he didn't even get touched by the suction bomb.

Army was shocked, "What?!" N-Pacer then aims and shoots Skull, skull noticed her too late, "!!!" He ends up getting splatted, Prinz then runs over and he Splats Mask, the S4 got team wiped, Emperor just smirks, "it seems like..." Team emperor then gets into Emperor's road formation, "we win.. again." Team Emperor then start turfing the ground. EMPEROR'S ROAD! Aloha, Army, Mask, and Skull all respawn, Mask growls, "they're using Emperor's road.. hyuk..!" Army stares at the formation and so does Skull, Army then looks at the rest of the S4, Aloha sighs, "I don't want to get defeated by them a third time..." Mask nods, agreeing, "neither do i..." Skull notices something about Prinz, and he looks at Army, Army looks at him, "let's take out Prinz, his in the middle and we can break emperor's road."

Skull nods and then he looks at Mask and Aloha, "....let's go for Prinz...." Mask looks at Skull, "are you crazy? His in the middle!" Skull shakes his head, " and army spotted something... Prinz is not doing as good as the rest of team emperor...." Mask stares at Army and Skull, Aloha then looks at Skull and Army, before nodding, "yeah! Let's go for Prinz. I'm sure we can win! ♪" skull and Army nod, Mask stares at them, "SERIOUSLY?!"

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