We attempted, lost... but hey! a café?

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Quite a few days pass, and The S4 had joined a tournament as "Team S4" and they didn't struggle all that much with the normal battles, the semi-finals weren't that hard either, but... once they made it to the final match against Team Emperor... They started struggling a bit, but they were able to hit them each at least once, apart from Emperor and Prince, those two were the hardest to hit, all that dodge rolling and stuff, but they were able to push team emperor back until... "Let's go." Emperor puts his hand up, and both N-Pacer and Squidkid came over to him and prince moved, this caused Emperor's Road.

"Not this again... But this time, we shouldn't struggle as much! I got the notes in my manual!" Army pulls out his Manual, Aloha looks at Him "Army... that's not going to help! We just need to break Emperor's road." Army totally ignores Aloha and he groans, Skull and Mask were already attempting to break Emperor's road, and Army then looks up "Mask aim for Squidkid Jr! Skull go for N-Pacer, Aloha go for P- ALOHA?!" Aloha had already be trying to splat Emperor, but failing, within a few seconds, Team Emperor team wipes the S4, and then the match ends...

>Team Emperor wins!

Aloha groans, Mask shakes his head, and Skull had dropped his charger on the floor, and Army was sitting on the ground. After a few moments they finally get up and leave, and Aloha looks at Army, and Skull looks at Aloha, then Army, then Mask "....we'll try again later... we should take a breather and go to the Café...." Aloha agrees "yeah.. to the café... We'll get them next time.. And Army.. please don't distract yourself with your manual..." Army stares at Aloha before nodding, "....let's go to the café..." The S4 then walks to the café, and Aloha ends up ordering for himself and Army (Hot Cocoa for himself and Coffee for Army, and two brownies and a single sandwich), and once he got his and Army's drinks and their food, Aloha comes back and sits down at the table with the other S4 members, and he hands Army his stuff and then sits down, Luckily, Mask and Skull had ordered before Aloha and they got their food first, a waitress comes over to check if everyone was alright, and... Aloha ends up flirting with the waitress, she smiles and laughs a bit, before walking away.

"heheh.. ♪" Army stares at Aloha, and Skull looks at Aloha "...aren't you dating Army..? why are you flirting with the waitress..?" Aloha looks at Skull "oh, that. I flirt with everyone Skull, you should know that! ♪" Army nods "you really should know that Skull..." Skull stares at them before just looking at Aloha "...." Aloha stares at Skull "what? No, i wouldn't cheat an Army, I'm not a cheater. I actually like Army! ♪" Skull stares at Aloha "...are you telling us the truth..?" Aloha stares at Skull before Looking at Army then looking back at Skull "yeah! I love Army with all my heart, i wouldn't cheat, though it may seem like i would, but i really wouldn't! ♪" Army takes a breath and he starts eating his sandwich, everyone else starts eating their food too.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now