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Once they got inside the house, Sailor W, Sailor B and Forge all wave to Aloha, before Forge says something, "Sir, why did you bring Your boyfriend here?" Army stares at Forge, "i brought him because his actually going to do something other then just sit around." Forge stares at Army, "what do you mean by that, sir?" Army sighs, "look, Forge, his going to help me cook curry." Forge then nods, "oh, ok, got you Sir. Have fun." Army nods before he walks into the kitchen and Aloha follows him, "hey Army" Army looks at Aloha, "yes Aloha?" Aloha hums a bit, "why do you have a curry manual?" Army stares at Aloha, "....I have a curry manual because I like cooking curry, Aloha." Aloha nods, "ah ok! So, what type of curry are we going to make? ♪" Army stares at Aloha, "look in my curry manual for one you want to make, if you can't find one, I'll choose which one we'll make, ok?" Aloha smiles and nods before he starts looking through the inkling curry manual, and Army was grabbing everything for curry while Aloha was looking.

Aloha sighs before putting the inkling curry manual down on the table, "Army..." Army stops and looks at Aloha, "yes aloha?" Aloha stares at Army, "I don't know which one to make." Army stares at Aloha before grabbing the curry manual and looking through it, while looking through it, he stops at a page before pointing to it, "we're making this one then." Aloha then looks at the page and reads over it, He then looks back at Army , "alright! ♪ Let's get started! ♪" Army nods and he starts working on the curry, and Aloha grabs the rice and he starts working on that.

Aloha then looks at Army, "um, Army, how do you make rice?" Army looks up from cutting the vegetables and he looks at Aloha, "you're kidding, right..?" Aloha stares at Army, "I'm not kidding.. i actually don't know how to cook rice.." Army sighs, "alright... let me help you..." Aloha smiles, and Army then starts helping him with cooking the rice... Army finishes helping Aloha with the rice after a bit, "There, now put it in the rice cooker... I'm going to finish with the curry itself..." Aloha nods, "thanks Army! ♥" Army nods, and he was about to turn back to finish up his curry, and Aloha calls his name again, and Army looks a bit annoyed and he looks at Aloha, "what Aloha...?" Aloha then kisses Army before he puts the rice in the rice cooker, Army starts blushing a bit before he quietly turns and goes back to cooking the curry, remaining quiet, Aloha laughs a bit and he smiles.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now