Hey! help me set up a party, Army!

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After sometime, they all finish their food and drinks, and they did talk for a bit, but after a bit of time... "...I'm going to get going...."  Skull cuts in, and Everyone looks at him, before nodding but aloha sighs, "seriously? That's no fun..." Skull shrugs, "...you may not think practice is important... But it is if you want to get better... Anyways... See you three later..." Skull then leaves after everyone waves bye. After a few moments Mask gets up, "I'm going too, I have a... Game to beat Designer in..." Aloha looks at Mask, "you both are already leaving?" Mask nods, "bye." Aloha sighs before nodding, Army nods too, Mask then leaves the café. After a few moments, Aloha looks at Army, "Army, do you want to come over?" Army looks at Aloha before nodding, "sure." Aloha smiles before grabbing Army's hands, "alright! Let's go! ♪" Army nods again and Aloha let's go of his hands and then he walks out of the café, Army follows him. Aloha then turns into a squid and jumps away, Army follows him and they both land in front of New Albacore hotel. They then both head into the hotel and to Aloha's room and Aloha sits on the bed and Army comes and sits down next to him. "Alright, Aloha, why'd you want me to come here?" Aloha takes out his phone, and he opens his notes app and presses a note "this, here! look! ♪" Aloha gestures his phone to Army, to get him to look at the phone, Army shrugs and then nods, "uh okay.." Army then takes a look at Aloha's note, a note about setting up a party "Can you help? please? It's.. kind of a big party... team pink already has their hands full! Also can you make curry if you want to help?" Aloha smiles a bit at Army, and Army finishes reading the note before looking at Aloha "Why do you come up with big parties like this?" Aloha stares at Army "....because parties are fun, you should really come to one of my parties! ♪ you never really wanted to come to my parties." Army stares at Aloha before sighing "fine, i'll help you set it up... I'll make the curry too." Aloha smiles and kisses Army's cheek "thanks Army! ♥ You'll make it less stressful for team pink! ♥"

Army blushes a bit "yeah.. yeah.. whatever... don't expect me to come to the party..." Aloha sighs and nods a bit "aww, Army... seriously? you might not come?" Army nods "yes, i might not come... when is it anyways?" Aloha stares at Army for a bit "uhm... tonight..." Army stares at Aloha "...how much do you and team pink have finished..?" Aloha stares at Army "um..." Army stares at Aloha "...how much do you and team pink have finished?" Aloha rubs the back of his neck "...not much... we.. haven't started setting up... eheheheheh...." Army facepalms "Aloha... You guys need to finish setting it up, i'll get team Orange to help too, so you guys can finish on time, alright?" Aloha smiles and nods "thanks Army! ♪ You're the best! ♪" Army nods "alright.. take me to where you guys are holding the party." Aloha nods before turning off his phone and putting it away, and he then gets up and goes outside of New Albacore Hotel, Army follows him, after they got out, Aloha turned into a squid and super jumped, Army then follows him.

They land on the ground once they get there, they then turned back to their humanoid forms, and Army looks around, "Skipper Pavilion?" Aloha nods, "yeah! ♪ This place looks amazing at night! ♪ the lanterns make the place look amazing! ♪ Which makes it so much better for a party at night! ♪ I'll call team pink to come over and i'll ask them to bring the party decorations and they'll help set it up! ♪ Can you get team orange to come over too? I mean you did say you'll get them to help.." Army nods "i'll call them..." Aloha nods and smiles "thanks! ♪"

Both of them then call their teams, team pink gets there within a few seconds with everything they needed, and as for team orange... it takes a bit of time for them to come over, but they do come over and then speak to Army, Army tells them what's going on and asks them to help set up, they all nod and go over to the members of team pink and asks if they can help, they nod and thank them before handing them a few of the decorations they had and then all 6 of the members go off and set up the decorations.

"Alright! ♪ Army, help me set up some of the higher up things! ♪" Aloha then looks at Army, and Army nods, "alright.." he then goes over to Aloha and grabs a few of the decorations. "Alright, Aloha, where do you want these?" Aloha points to one of the higher points, "over there, let's head over there." Army nods and then goes over there, Aloha follows him, "this is the enemy side Aloha, we can't g-" Aloha cuts off Army, "can you turn into a squid, Army?" Army stares at Aloha, "why?" Aloha just repeats himself, "can you please turn into a squid, Army?" Army stares for a bit before sighing and doing so while still holding the decorations, Aloha then picks Army up, "there we go, it's easier to pick others up if they're in squid form." Army stares up at Aloha, "what are you planning on doing with me..?" Aloha looks down at him and smiles "this!" Aloha then throws Army over the wall, "ALOHA!!!" Aloha backs up, "Army, you'll be alright! Let me jump to you!" Army yells at Aloha, "NO! ALOHA WHY DID YOU THROW M-" Aloha jumps to Army and ends up hitting him in squid form, "Ack! my head!" Army stares at Aloha, before turning back to his humanoid form, "why did you throw me, and are you alright?" Aloha turns back to his humanoid form and looks up at Army (as he was sitting on the ground), and he rubs his forehead, and he stops, his forehead ends up with a bruise on it "I threw you because that was the only way you could get up, and I'm alright..."

Army stares at Aloha "....You have a bruise in the center of your forehead, Aloha." Aloha smiles a bit "don't worry about it Army, it'll be fine." Army stares at Aloha before putting his hand down "you sure it'll be alright? Because that fall looked like it actually hurt, as you ended up hitting a rock, after you hit me." Aloha grabs Army's hand "It did hurt, but it's fine." Army then pulls Aloha up, but they kinda end up a bit too close to each other's face, and Aloha stares, Army stares back before kissing Aloha's forehead "there, now i did what you did." Aloha blushes but smiles, "heh... ♥" Army smiles slightly before letting go of Aloha's hand, "now.. let's get these decorations set up..." Aloha nods. They then both started setting up the decorations.

After they finished up there, they climbed down from that part of Skipper Pavilion, Army then looks at Aloha, "on the other side now-" Aloha had ended up taking a photo of himself and Army with the decorations, and Aloha looks at Army, "oh, yeah Army? What were you saying?" Army stares at Aloha, "did you really just..?" Aloha nods "yeah! ♪" Army sighs, "Aloha stop taking selfies with me and tell me if you want the decorations on the other side too..." Aloha nods, "aww... ok.. well anyways... yeah, i want to put some decorations on the other side too. also Army..." Army looks at Aloha, "yes Aloha?" Aloha smiles, "you're adorable when you're caught off guard by photos! ♥" Army stares at Aloha, before blushing a bit, "shut your mouth, and let's finish setting up these decorations.." Aloha giggles a bit before nodding, "alright.. alright..." They then head over to the other side. "Aloha turn into a squid." Aloha stares at Army, "ok, are you going to throw me up there..?" Army stares at Aloha, Aloha smiles, "you are, aren't you? but i'll still turn into a squid." Aloha then turns into a squid and Army picks him up and stands on his tippy toes and he then lightly sits Aloha on the top of the wall before he jumps too him, "there." Aloha stares at Army before turning back to his humanoid form, "you didn't throw me?" Army turns back to his humanoid form and nods, "yeah i didn't throw you, because if i did you probably would've hit the bruise again and i don't want to hurt you, any more then you are already" Aloha stares at Army before just quietly sitting on the ground, and Army then stands up, "Let's finish setting up these decorations Aloha." Army then walks away and starts setting them up. Aloha just tears up a bit, "...his so careful... and... I threw him.." Aloha then wipes his face and stands up and he starts helping Army finish setting up the decorations.

(Note: Aloha threw Army because of His more carefree nature, Army didn't throw Aloha because he isn't carefree like Aloha. But Aloha does actually care if he does hurts Army, hurting Army isn't his goal.)

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now