Practice starts.

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Once they got to the Lobby, Mask and Skull look at them, "hyuk... It's about time you two showed up, What were you guys even doing?" Aloha stares at his cup of hot cocoa he still had, and he then stares at mask, "we got breakfast." Mask stares for a bit before looking at Aloha and Army's cups, "huh. Ok. Well, let's practice... I'm actually surprised Aloha WANTS to practice." Aloha stares at Mask, Mask continues, "maybe Army is influencing him to do something else." Army stares at Mask, "okay stop mask, let's just practice." Skull nods, agreeing.

Mask sighs and rolls his eyes, "okay, fine, I'll stop." They then pull out their weapons to start practicing. After a while it did become pretty late while they were practicing, half way through, Aloha ends up yawning and almost falling to sleep, Mask looks at Aloha then Army, "Army, stop aloha from falling, he seems like his tired..." Army looks at Mask, "what do you mean, Mask?" Mask then points to Aloha who almost falls, Army quickly goes over and catches him, aloha then just ends up falling to sleep, against him, Skull and Mask then stare at Aloha and then Army.

Skull rubs his eye, " is a bit late..." Army nods, "guess so.. well... We should challenge team emperor again later.. now that we've got some practice in." Skull nods, Mask just sighs, Army and Skull look at Mask, Skull waves, "...see you later.. Mask... Army.." skull then jumps away. Army waves and picks Aloha up, "See you, Mask." Army then jumps away.

Mask stares at where Army jumped to before shrugging, "eh, more time to play some video games and beat jersey, Full-Moon and Designer..." Mask then jumps away.

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