this is all we can do, for now.

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Once Army got into the bathroom, Aloha looks at him, "come here Army." Army nods and goes over to Aloha, after a bit Aloha puts his hands on Army's cheeks, Army looks at him "uh aloha what are you do-" aloha kisses the bruise, Army stares in shock, "a-a-aloha...???" army had started blushing lightly and he just quietly stood there, staring at aloha, "...why.. why am I blushing?! I'm not.. ...I don't... ...I didn't feel this way... The first time... Why did I start blushing now..? when he kissed me..?" Aloha then looks at Army and he moves his hands and he backs a bit away from Army "s-sorry army...!" Army just stares at Aloha, and Aloha just covers his face, "I.. couldn't pass up the chance... Sorry, sorry, sorry...!!"

Army stares at Aloha, "..go back with the others..." Aloha stares at Army "wait a second, aren't you the lowest member of the S4? Why should I listen to-" Army growls "SHUT UP! I ALREADY HAVE A HEADACHE, JUST GO BACK!" Aloha stares at Army and sighs "just... Fine.. but look, army, please put something on that bruise before someone pokes it.." army stares at Aloha "who's going to poke it?" Aloha stares at Army, before poking the bruise "put something on it please." Army flinches and backs up "ALOHA! THAT HURT!" Aloha nods "I know army, you might wanna put a warm damp paper towel or warm damp face towel on it, or you can leave it as is and it can heal itself." Army stares at Aloha, Aloha then pokes Army's cheek "also you do realize that i noticed you were blushing a bit, right?" Army stares at Aloha "what? Blushing? Psh, I wasn't blushing..." Aloha stares at Army "stop lying, look." Aloha then just Kisses Army's cheek, Army once again started blushing and he then shoves Aloha away "stop that! And non of this is in my manual... Either..." Aloha stares at Army before slightly smiling and chuckling a bit, "hey Army. ♪"

Army stares at Aloha "yes Aloha.. also why are we still in the bathro-" Aloha then says something before Army finishes talking "you have beautiful eyes! ♥" Army stares at Aloha before he ends up actually blushing a lot "ALOHA, WE'RE LEAVING THE BATHROOM!" Army then leaves the bathroom "...why... Why do I feel like this..? I didn't start blushing back at new Albacore... But why now..? I'm not gay.. ...I don't... like Aloha.. in that way.. ..right..? Do... I just feel bad for saying what I said to him..? But why would i really care about feeling bad for him when I don't actually like him... Or do I just feel bad for making him Sad..? But.. why... Why would I care..? Why do I hate seeing aloha feel sad now...? Is it because I'm not use to it..? Or is it really something else...?" Aloha just watches Army walk out for a few seconds, before he follows Army out, while he just smiles to himself "Army might actually like me back... I'll figure out if he really does like me back..! ♥" The two then sit back down at the table with Mask and Skull, and the food had been delivered by this point, Skull looks at them "...why were you two in the bathroom for so long..?" Army stares at Skull "Aloha was telling me I should put something on the bruise..." Skull nods " should put something on that bruise..." Army sighs "I will, after we leave..." Skull nods, before moving his bandana down a bit, just so the thing wasn't fully covering his mouth, mask had only moved his gas mask up enough so he could eat, after a bit all the S4 members start eating.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now