"I love you..."

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Everyone was enjoying the party and having so much fun. After awhile the party ends and the rest of the s4 and their teams head back to their places. Both team Orange and Team Pink stayed behind to clean up.

After some time, they finish cleaning up everything and Aloha looks at Army, "hey Army." Army looks at Aloha, "yeah Aloha?" Aloha smiles, "can I come with you, to your place..?" Army nods, "sure. Let's go." Team Orange and Team Pink leave before Army and Aloha.

Army was about to super jump, but Aloha places his hand on Army's shoulder, "let's just walk, okay? ♪" army stares at Aloha, "oh, sure." Aloha smiles, and then the two start walking to army's place. Aloha was humming on the way there, after a few moments, Army grabs Aloha's hand and Aloha looks down and he smiles and the two pretty much end up holding hands while walking to Army's place.

Once they get to Army's place, Aloha yawns and Army looks at him, "I'm assuming you're tired?" Aloha nods, "yeah..." Army nods, "alright... Let me get cleaned up and get changed..." Aloha nods, They then head inside and go to Army's bedroom,  Aloha then ends up flopping face down on the bed and Army goes to clean up, and he finishes after a bit and he comes back out with the pink t-shirt and then Aloha gets up and he goes to clean up and change his clothes.

Aloha then comes back out after a bit with the orange t-shirt on, and Army was laying on the bed looking through his manual, and he looks up at Aloha, "hey." Aloha waves, "hey..." He then yawns again and he sits down next to Army and puts his head on his shoulder, and Army looks at him and he then smiles before he takes his hat off and puts it to the side, and he also takes Aloha's hat off and puts it to the side too, he then looks at Army, Army looks at him and just smiles, then he puts his manual down.

Aloha smiles and he then says something, "Hey Army," Army looks at Aloha, Aloha then continues, "I just want to say, that... I love you..." Army smiles, "I love you too, Aloha." Aloha smiles again, "and this all started from that first battle against team Emperor..." Army nods, "yeah... It is quite surprising..." Aloha nods before yawning again, "...once again... Before I go to sleep... I love you..." Army smiles and Aloha then ends up falling too sleep, army moves his manual down on the side table, and puts his hand on Aloha's hand,

"I love you too..."

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now