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Once Army got back to new albacore hotel he starts looking for Aloha. After a bit, he finds aloha, asleep on the beach chair again, Army then walks over to him and nudges him "hey Aloha, hat please." Army takes off Aloha's hat. Aloha yawns and looks over his shoulder "oh yeah, sorry Army! I forgot! Here you can have it back. ♪" Aloha then sits up and takes off Army's hat and he holds it out to Army, and Army takes it, and Aloha takes his hat back and puts it back on and smiles "Army! Before you go, can you come back here tomorrow? I wanna talk." Army nods, "alright aloha, see you later." Army puts his hat back on before walking away. Aloha smiles and waves but after Army leaves Aloha sits down on the beach chair and he then lays down, and he falls back to sleep again, but it was actually colder then normal. So aloha falling to sleep in short sleeves wouldn't really help.

Army had gotten back to where his teammates were at, they were all asleep and Army shrugs before he goes to his bedroom and he changes and goes too sleep.

Later, he woke up earlier in the morning then normal, and he gets up, changes and puts his jacket on and he leaves his place and he heads to New Albacore hotel. Once he gets there, he looks over to Aloha who was laying on the chair, and he goes over to Aloha "hey Aloha, why di-... Are you alright?" Aloha doesn't respond apart from he sniffs a bit, he didn't seem to really wanna get up so Army takes his jacket off and he throws it onto aloha, before sitting down next To aloha, and Aloha opens his eyes a bit and looks at Army before sitting up. "Hey Army." Army looks at him "Hello Aloha, are you alright? It was colder then normal last night." Aloha nods and he looks at what was over his shoulders, Army's jacket "...thanks for throwing your jacket over me, Army....♥" Army looks at him "are you trying to flirt with me?" Aloha stares at Army, trying to hide the slight blush, "no. Not at all! just felt like thanking you...♪" army sighs "uh-huh
...sure..." Aloha then sneezes "oh man, I guess I got sick, that's what I get for falling to sleep outside hehe...♪"

Army stares at Aloha "....where's your room here?" Aloha looks at him "my room?" Army nods "yes your room, in the hotel." Aloha nods "3rd floor, first room, I'm sharing a room with Snorkel." Aloha then sneezes again. Army then stands up "get up and take me there, Aloha." Aloha stares at Army before getting up and nodding, he then starts walking into the hotel, but slowly, he really wasn't feeling up to it at the moment, so he almost fell forward on the way up the stairs army grabs Aloha's arm "be careful aloha." Aloha looks at Army before standing up and Army sighs and picks Aloha up "ARMY?!" Aloha stares, shocked, at Army, as Army was walking up the stairs, and to Aloha's room, Aloha looks at Army "army put me down... I can walk..." Army shakes his head "no, you literally almost fell a few seconds ago."

Aloha sighs and wraps himself in Army's jacket a bit more, once they get to the room Aloha opens the door with his key and Army walks in, still carrying aloha and he walks to Aloha's bed and sits down on it and he sits aloha down too, Aloha looks at Army, and just kinda stares at him.

Army looks at Aloha, "jacket, aloha." Aloha nods and hands the jacket back to Army and he puts his jacket back on before standing up "thanks, see you later Aloha, hope you feel better." Army starts walking away before Aloha yells something "wait! Don't go Army!" Army stops and looks at Aloha "why not?" Aloha stares at Army "can you just.. stay here for a bit? Ya know, so you can... Relax!♪" army groans "Fine aloha..." Army comes back and sits on Aloha's bed and aloha had gotten under the blanket by now, but he pulled it up and he sat there for a few moments before army moved closer too him "I'm going to lay against your pillows, alright?" aloha nods and He moved a bit forward, and Army then sits where Aloha was sitting and aloha ends up leaning back into Army. Army then looks at him and shrugs before going back to looking at his phone. After a few moments, Aloha yawns and falls to sleep against Army. Army then looks at him ".....why am I letting him do this?" He just shrugs and he goes back to looking at his phone.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now