Say Sorry you two

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Aloha was still laying on the ground in the lobby, after a bit Goggles and his team had came into the lobby, Bobble, Specs and headphones look at Aloha
Bobble, with a smile says something "Hey look! Aloha is dead on the ground!!" Specs looks at Bobble before realizing what she just said "Bobble-Hat! That isnt something to smile about!!!" Aloha looks over to Specs and Bobble "I'm not dead you know." Goggles comes over to aloha "hey Aloha!" Aloha then looks at Goggles "hi goggles." Aloha groans and gets up and he stands up after a bit. His clothes still had the orange ink from when Army shot him, he looks at his shirt and sighs "I need to wash my shirt now...."

Goggles tilts his head "what happened Aloha?" Aloha stares at Goggles "Nothing, anyways, I'm going to go! See ya Later team Blue! ♪" Goggles waves and so does Bobble. Specs and Headphones shrug and then they enter a turf war, Bobble and Goggles follow Them into turf war.

Aloha then starts walking, but he then runs into Skull and Mask, they look at him "Hey Aloha." Skull just stares at Aloha, Aloha waves "tell army to stay as far away from me as possible...." Mask and Skull stare, Skull then nods. "You two need to make up, we're going to have to fight Emperor again at some point, and as 'Team S4', you know that, don't you? And if you two keep fighting and trying to stay away from each other, you're going to make it even harder to win against Emperor if we ever have to fight him again." Aloha rolls his eyes "tch, its Army's fault. I'm not saying sorry about something I didn't do." Aloha keeps walking and The other two S4 members look at each other then Mask asks Skull if his fine with getting Army, and he'll get aloha, Skull nods and he goes off to look for Army, Mask nods and he stands up and he goes to get Aloha.

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