Let's get this party started!

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After a bit, they finish cooking the curry and the rice, Aloha then grabs one of those carriers that can carry rice in it (Idk what it's called), and he puts the rice in it, and closes the top and he puts it over his shoulder, "Army, are you done? you'll need to jump to Skipper Pavilion." Army nods, "yeah i know, but because I'm carrying it like a bowl, i'll just walk, you go on ahead Aloha, alright? It's your party after all. I don't even like parties." Aloha stares at Army before grabbing the sash on the carrier he had over his shoulder, he then looks off to the side, "...i know you don't like parties... but... I don't want you to walk there alone..." Army stares at Aloha before smiling, "Aloha, you can go ahead, i'll catch up, and i'll be fine alone." Aloha then looks at Army and he shakes his head, "No, Let's just walk together! ♪" Army sighs and shakes his head "Aloha. Go, you're the host, so is team Pink, you NEED to go to that party before me. GOT IT?" Aloha jumps and stares at Army before sighing, "...okay Army... but please.. Be careful!" Army nods, before smiling, "I promise i'll be careful. also you might want to get that bruise on your forehead covered... heheh." Aloha then places his hand on his forehead and Army then starts getting the pot's top and he puts the top onto the pot, so he can walk to Skipper Pavilion without the curry fully cooling down. Aloha looks at Army before smiling a bit, "I'll find something to cover it up." Army looks back at Aloha before smiling again and nodding. Aloha then kisses Army's cheek and he leaves Army's house and he then super jumps to Skipper Pavilion.

Army smiles, "He'll probably not find something and then forget about it..." he then lifts the pot off the stove and he starts walking, "forge, Sailor B, and Sailor W, I'll be back in a bit, i just have to bring this pot to Skipper Pavilion." Forge, Sailor W, and Sailor B nod, before Sailor B says something and he nods again, "alright sir, see you later." Army nods before walking out of his house and closing the door behind him, and he just walks to Skipper Pavilion, and he makes it there after a bit, once he got over there, aloha noticed him and ran over to him, "Army!" Army looks at Aloha, "yeah, hi Aloha, here's the curry." Army then hands the pot over to Aloha, he smiles and nods, "thanks Army!" Army nods back, "You're-" aloha kisses army's cheek before putting the pot on the table. Army just stood there and he put his hand on his cheek.

Aloha looks at Army, and he smiles, Army rubs his cheek a bit before moving his hand off his cheek, "you're welcome aloha.. I'm going to go back to my place... See you later." Army then turns around and he turns into a squid, but before he jumps away aloha picks up army, and Army looks at him, "aloha? What are you doing?" Aloha looks down and smiles at Army, "Army.. can you please stay for the party...? Please?" Army looks at aloha before sighing, "alright aloha... I'm not staying for long though. Got it?" Aloha nods, "got it! Also the party's about to start anyways!"

Aloha then puts army back onto the ground, and army turns back to his humanoid form. Aloha smiles, "you'll enjoy the party! Well I hope you do..." Army nods "alright aloha..."

After a bit the invited squids come and aloha smiles, "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" Team pink all cheer and the other invited squids all cheer, Army just looks around for a bit. They then actually start the party.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now