opposite ink Colored t-shirts.

480 18 8

(note; aloha brought everything else from home apart from a shirt and a toothbrush.)

After a bit, Army and Aloha both finish their food and Army then takes both of the plates, and Aloha says something to him, "hey Army." Army looks at Aloha, "yeah aloha?" Aloha puts his hand on his top button of his shirt, "do you... Have any spare clothes? I.. don't want to sleep in my shirt..." Army stares at aloha for a bit, "I probably do, maybe you can look in my drawers.. or the closet. Well all my extra tee shirts are in the closet, I sorted them out by color." Aloha looks at Army before he laughs a bit, "seriously? You sorted your shirts out by color?" Army stares at aloha before nodding, "yeah.. what about it?" Aloha just laughs a bit more, "nothing.. just asking.. alright.. see you in your bedroom... Also can I use an extra toothbrush?" Army nods, "yeah, sure, there should be a light blue one in there.. also get cleaned up, BEFORE you put my shirt on..." Aloha nods, "alright.. also what about y-" army stares at Aloha, "I'll get cleaned up after you... Just don't knock anything over or break anything." Aloha nods, "alright! ♪" army nods, "now go, I'm going to wash the dishes." Aloha nods, "alright, again! ♪" aloha then gets up and he leaves the kitchen and goes to the bathroom, and Army nods before he starts cleaning the dishes, "...It might be a bit.. strange sharing my bed with someone... But I mean it's not that weird... ..I mean, I'm dating him so.. yeah it shouldn't be that weird... Though sometimes I do tend to move... But eh.." army just shrugs and he keeps cleaning the dishes.

After a bit... Army finished washing the dishes and he heads into his room (master bedroom as there's a bathroom in there), Aloha pokes his head out of the bathroom, "um army.." army looks at Aloha, "yes aloha..?" Aloha stares for a bit, "..can you come in here..? With a shirt.. I forgot to grab a tee shirt before I came in... I already have the other things but not a shirt.... didn't grab a shirt..." Army stares at Aloha before facepalming, "seriously?" Aloha nods slowly, "please?" Army sighs before nodding and going to his closet, "...what color t-shirt-" aloha just cuts Army off, "orange..?" Army looks at Aloha, "orange?" Aloha nods, "you can wear pink...? I mean our ink colors and-" army stares at Aloha before nodding, "eh.. sure.. I guess I'll wear pink." Aloha smiles, "thanks! So orange one for me! ♥" Army nods before grabbing , one of his orange tee shirts and he then walks over to the bathroom and stops, Aloha looks at Him before taking the shirt, "thanks..! ♪♥" army nods, "you're... You're welcome." Aloha stares at Army before tilting his head a bit, "Army? Why'd you freeze up?" Army had started blushing but he just shakes his head, "sorry. Just.. just zoned out.. anyways..." Aloha just stares at Army, before looking down at the towel and he looks back up, "oh. Haha.. this might be the reason.. huh?" Army stares before nodding, "yes... Yes it's the reason aloha. Are you seriously not..?" Aloha nods, "yeah.. I'm.. I'm not wearing anything.. my visor is on your table and my shirt is in the laundry basket. My shoes are near by the door, and I don't wear socks, and yes, my tentacles are down because I did just get out of the shower... I'll put them back on after I change. Alright? ♪" army nods, "alright.." aloha stares at army before laughing a bit and then smiling, "you're not doing a good job at keeping your cool. ♥" Army covers his face, "s...shut up aloha!" Aloha just laughs more and he keeps smiling before he sticks his tongue out, "you're kinda adorable like that. I'm so use to seeing you so serious. This is pretty different! ♥" Army just pushes aloha back, "just.. just get changed and I'm still serious...! Just.. not right now..." Aloha starts laughing again, Army just stares at him before grabbing the bathroom door and closing it, and he goes onto the bed face down, "cod... Why am I so gay..?"

In the bathroom, Aloha just stares at the door before he slightly smiles, "heh..." Aloha then starts getting changed into the t-shirt and everything else. Then he comes back out wearing shorts and the orange t-shirt, "okay, I'm done! ♪ huh? Army? Why are you face down?" Army doesn't reply and aloha stares for a bit before sitting on in the bed and placing his hand on Army's neck, Army then looks up at Aloha, "...your hands are cold...." aloha nods, "I know, but I'm done now. And you should probably go too. ♪" Army nods before he picks Aloha's hand up and off his neck, and he then gets up and goes into the bathroom so he could take a shower, and Aloha puts his tentacles back up in a tail, "there we go! ♪" aloha looks around the room for a few moments before he notices army's closet being opened and he walks over to it and he then looks through the clothes, and he keeps doing that for a bit before Army comes back out and he was putting his tentacles back up in the topknot style he had, and he then looks at Aloha, "aloha? What are you doing looking through my clothes?" Aloha stops and looks over at Army, "oh! Just checking through them. ♪" Army stares at aloha before he sits on the bed and he then lays down on it, Aloha then looks at him and lays on the bed and on top of Army, Army stares at Aloha, "huh? What are you doing..?" Aloha just lays his head down on Army's chest, and he doesn't say anything, and Army keeps staring before nudging him, "uh Aloha?" Aloha just falls to sleep, and he doesn't say anything. Army realizes that aloha had just fallen to sleep, and he sighs, "guess I'll never know..." army then yawns a bit, "guess we're going to sleep like.. this then..." Army shrugs before he actually pulls the blanket onto them, "it would've been better if he didn't sleep on me.. but ah well..." army falls too sleep after a bit.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now