Relaxing! ♪

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Once army sat down on the beach chair, he looked at Aloha, Aloha then sits down next to him, Army stares at him "what are you doing?" Aloha looks at Army "uh, sitting down?" Army stares at him "on the same chair as me? Really aloha, there's another chair over there!" Army gestures to another chair and Aloha notices the chair "oh! I forgot that chair was there! Thanks for pointing it out Army!♪" aloha gets up and goes over to that chair and sits down on it and he then lays down on it after a few moments. Army stares at Aloha, quite confused, "what are you doing aloha?" Aloha looks at Army "relaxing, hey! Maybe you should lay down, it'll probably help." Army stares for a bit before doing so, after a bit. It seems that Army finally stopped worrying about Emperor, probably because he fell to sleep, Aloha had also fallen to sleep on his beach chair.

 After a bit, Army wakes up and he gets up and looks over to Aloha, who had fallen to sleep too, but he was still asleep, "I'll have to get going then...." Army then leaves New Albacore Hotel and he heads to the place his team was staying at, once he got there, his teammates look over at him, and wave, before Sailor Blue Asks him where he had been for the past few hours. Army seems a bit confused "What? What do you mean Sailor [Blue]?" Sailor White points to the time, it's almost 9 "Army, you were out for almost 5 hours." Army stares for a bit "WHAT?!" Sailor White & Sailor Blue nod. Army facepalms "i can't believe i lost track of the time..." Forge looks at him after a few seconds she says something "You should've been back at an earlier time, because you guys lost to Emperor, and did you even get any notes down? and Where's your hat?"

Army stares at Forge "I have both my manual and hat, what are you on about, Forge?" Forge shakes her head "no, you don't have your hat, you probably don't have your manual either... Maybe You should get them back from wherever you were at?" Army thinks for a moment before putting his hand on his head "...I DON'T HAVE MY HAT!" Army then looks in his pockets, he didn't have his manual neither, "I NEED TO GET THEM BACK BEFORE THEY GET SOAKED!" He runs out before Forge had time to say anything else.

Orange-Pink Ink [Aloha x Army]Where stories live. Discover now