S4 salmon run

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After a bit, Army finishes making the noodles and he puts them in two different bowls for each of them and he goes over to the table and hands Aloha a bowl, "here, Aloha." Aloha takes it and thanks Army and he grabs some chopsticks, Army stares at him, "are you really going to try to use chopsticks?" Aloha looks at Army and nods, "yeah! ♪ why not? ♪" army stares before facepalming, "do you even know how to use those?" Aloha looks at the chopsticks before looking at Army and smiling, "I'll figure it out! ♪" army Facepalms again, "aloha... Ugh..." Aloha looks at him and smiles, "I'll figure it out! It shouldn't take too long! ♪" Aloha then attempts to eat the noodles with chopsticks, but he can't even figure out how to use them right. Army stares at Aloha struggling, but aloha kept trying to use the chopsticks before sighing, "Army..." Army looks at him while eating his noodles with a pair of chopsticks, "yes Aloha?" Aloha stares at Army and looks at him, "can you help me..." Army continues to eat his noodles, "I can... But.. I don't want to..." Aloha stare at him, "Army! Please!"

Army smiles a bit before chuckling, "didn't you say you'll figure it out yourself?" Aloha stares at Army, Army stares at him, before sighing a bit but smiling again, "alright, I'll help you." Aloha looks at Army and smiles, "thanks Army! ♪" Army then nods and gets up and he grabs Aloha's hand that he was using to holding the chopsticks with and Army fixes Aloha's fingers to be on the right parts of the chopsticks so he could use them, and Army then moves his hand and sits back down, "there you go."

Aloha looks at his hand, and then the chopsticks, "this.. is uncomfortable, army." Army shrugs, "you'll get use to it, it's only uncomfortable because you're not use to using chopsticks." Aloha shrugs, "I guess so..."

The two then continue to eat, and once they finish their food they get up, and Army then looks at Aloha, "we're going to do salmon run, I'm assuming?" Aloha nods, "yeah! Even though mask... Didn't want to really want to, but said he'll join anyways! ♪" army nods, "alright." Army and aloha then leave Army's house and then they go to salmon run, where skull and mask were already sitting and waiting, Aloha waves, Skull waves back, but mask just rolled his eyes, "if I lose my rank because of you guys.. hyuk... I'm not going to be too happy..." Aloha stares before nodding, "okay then! ♪"

The S4 then all go into salmon run and the shift starts, and they kill the bosses but the stingers were getting out of hand and Mask yells to Aloha to come to him, aka this way, and Aloha comes over to splat the stingers. Mask nods, and then a flyfish aims at all four of them, Army notices and he pulls out a splat bomb and throws it into the flyfish's canon launcher, and Skull looks over to the flyfish and runs over to it and he also throws a splat bomb into the other canon, it explodes, Aloha looks over, "Nice! ♪"

They then continue doing salmon run, until they manage to beat all 3 waves, Mask nods, "at least it didn't crash and burn to the ground like last time... Hyuk..." Army nods, "at least we have some knowledge about salmon run now, and I have notes about it too." Aloha puts his hands into the air, "nice! We did it! ♪" Mask nods, "ok.. wait aren't we going to challenge team Emperor to a last rematch?" Skull looks at Mask, "...yeah, we are... We'll have to find his team first.." mask nods. Aloha looks over to Mask and Skull, Army looks over too, but Aloha says something, "let's find them together. ♪ then he'll probably think we're serious." Skull nods, "...let's go find Emperor and his team..."

They then leave Grizzco and then they start looking for team Emperor. After a bit, the S4 managed to track down and find Emperor, Skull is the one that says something, "....Emperor...." Emperor looks at The S4. The S4 then challenge Emperor to one last turf war, he just smirked and laughed, and accepted the challenge.

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