icing // ally x cordelia

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Ally loved to bake, and Cordelia loved watching her. It was almost sensual the way Ally strode across the kitchen, tasting her creation every step of the way and nearly moaning at her work. She truly did love the craft, and even thought herself to be quite the baker (and Cordelia would have to agree).

Cordelia watched as her partner took the beater off the mixer and swiped her tongue across it, groaning at the taste. "Is it truly that good?" Cordelia stepped towards her. Ally merely nodded in response and went on her merry way, though fully knowing she would get a rise out of Cordelia sooner or later.

Cordelia backed away from the counter and stood near the stove, her hands pushed against the counter behind her as support as she continued eyeing her baker.

Ally turned to the side so Cordelia could only see her side profile as she licked the entirety of one side of the beater. Cordelia nearly groaned herself as Ally side eyed her and licked again, this time through the holes of the beater, taking her time to rid it of any trace of icing.

Now Cordelia, she was known for her stamina and unwillingness to crack, but her mouth was watering as Ally continued licking the beater and glancing her way every few licks, clearly waiting for a response she desired. Cordelia wasn't going to give in that easily.

Ally turned to face Cordelia now, mid lick and she stopped to say something, the beater bumped her nose, leaving chocolate icing in her path. Clearly unnoticed by Ally... but Cordelia was going to go mad.

"Delia..." Ally strode towards her and stopped a mear few feet away from her lover, "Would you like some?" innocence shone through her voice as she held out the beater, waiting for Cordelia to take it.

"I think," Cordelia looked Ally straight in the eyes, "you have a little icing on your nose, love," Ally blushed red at this remark. "I do?" she questioned, reaching a hand up to her nose and Cordelia grabbed her wrist instantly but with no harshness, just a calm no.

"Let me," Cordelia stepped closer to Ally until her face was inches from the other and she stood there, gazing into Ally's eyes... not in pursuit of domination but merely out of admiration and love, maybe a little lust.

Keeping her eyes on Ally's she drew her tongue quick and out before leaning closer licking the icing from Ally's nose, suppressing a moan in response.

Ally shivered from the innocent touch, maybe not so innocent because it was Cordelia, but nonetheless. Cordelia inched away again, staring into Ally's eyes once again. "Thank you," Ally responded in the only way she knew how. Just a simple thank you, after all, Cordelia had done something nice for her. Ally thought that warranted a thank you if anything did. And Cordelia smiled at her girlfriend, taking her hands in hers without her eyes leaving Ally's face.

Cordelia was simply mesmerized by Ally's beauty and wanted nothing more but to show the woman how special she truly was, so she simply turned sharply, holding onto one of Ally's hands as she walked through their house to her bedroom. Ally simple complied immediately, wanting this more than anything in the world right in this moment.

The minute they got into her room and shut the door, Ally was against it and Cordelia was against Ally. No longer any feet or inches between them, it was body on body, and that was the way they liked it.

"Do I have icing on my mouth or something too?" Ally questioned between soft kisses and Cordelia simply smiled and continued on. This is how Cordelia was, soft and sweet but obviously in control. Ally was pinned against a doorway with her hands above her head yes, but, Cordelia was leaving tiny trails of soft kisses all over her face and neck and she knew this drove Ally insane.

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